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Atlas of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics

Guest editors George Sandor and Robert Carmichael provide cutting edge tutorials on implant surgery in young patients. This highly illustrated issue will cover dental implants in young patients with syndromal and non-syndromal oligodontia, dental anomalies, and cleft lip and palate. Other articles include distraction osteogenesis, orthognathic surgery, and rehabilitation of trauma.
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Peterson's Principals of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2 Vol

Title: Peterson's Principals of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2 Vol. set|
Publisher: B.C. Decker|
pages: 1800| PDF 62.4MB

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Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology: A Rationale for Treatment by roberts E.marx

This book is intended to be a clinically oriented and forward-looking guide for oral and maxillofacial surgeons and other advanced dental and medical specialists who deal with pathologies in the oral cavity, midface, and neck. It focuses on the mechanism of each disease and how that dictates its clinical and radiographic presentation as well as the serious considerations on a sample differential diagnosis. It then progresses to specific treatment recommendations that the authors use or have researched as the most beneficial. Treatments avoid such vague phrases as “a wide local excision” and instead provide specific margins and anatomically based techniques. Generic medication protocols also are avoided for those conditions not treated with surgery; instead, specific drugs, doses, routes of administration, length of treatment and alternative treatments are described in the context of how each works to affect the natural course of the disease. Discussion of each disease or condition concludes with the prognosis after treatment.

This book challenges some of the established concepts and dogmas currently prevailing in oral and maxillofacial pathology and surgery. It also is likely to challenge the reader’s acceptance of dental and medical school teaching, which too often consists of a rushed and superficial presentation of these pathologies. It is the authors’ hope that the evidence and rationales presented in this text are convincing of this change and of this approach to learning. This book is also specifically intended to simplify and streamline terminology. The reader will note numerous terminology changes from the past—changes that use only one name to describe and identify the specific underlying cause of each condition. This is reinforced in the last chapter of the book, “Where Have All the Great Terms Gone?,” a concise review and explanation of why the old name for some diseases is inappropriate today.

The reader may use this text as a cover lesson in clinical and histopathologic oral and maxillofacial pathology; as a reference text on a chapter-by-chapter basis to review the specifics of each disease category; or as a case reference to refresh their knowledge about a specific disease or the specific presentation of a new patient. In any case, it is the fond hope of both authors that clinicians will increase their knowledge and ability to care for their patients, who in turn will receive more accurate diagnoses and better treatment.

Robert E. Marx, DDS
Chief and Professor of Surgery
Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
University of Miami
Miami, Florida

Diane Stern, DDS
Private Practice in Oral Pathology
Plantation, Florida

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Clinical Pathologic Correlations By Joseph A. Regezi, James J. Sciubba, Richard C. K. Jordan

  • Publisher: Saunders
  • Number Of Pages: 544
  • Publication Date: 2002-12-09
  • ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0721698050
  • ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780721698052
  • Binding: Hardcover
Product Description:

Full color for the first time! Thoroughly revised and updated to reflect new advances in knowledge, this popular resource presents a practical approach to over 350 diseases of the oral mucosa, and jaws. It offers detailed guidance on etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, histopathology, differential diagnosis, and treatment, as well as discussions of molecular disease mechanisms, the etiology of oral cancer, and common skin diseases. A clinical overview outlines the clinical aspects of each disease discussed in the main body of the text, including its features, cause, significance, location, patient age, and radiographic appearance - making this book ideal as a quick chairside reference. Important pathologic concepts are illustrated with more than 920 high-quality clinical images, photomicrographs, and diagrams.

  • New contributors and a new main author bring years of credibility and experience in various fields of pathology and oral medicine to the book.
  • The Clinical Overview presents disease characteristics with full-color clinical photographs for rapid chairside identification of oral lesions.
  • Up-to-date references for further reading are presented in bibliographies at the end of each chapter direct readers to additional literature for more information on each topic.
  • Nearly every disease presented is illustrated with high-quality, full-color clinical photos, radiographs, and histopathological images.
  • Content outlines at the beginning of each chapter allow quick reference of specific topics.
  • Each chapter is consistently organized with a clinical orientation for easy reading, reference, and aid in differential diagnosis.
  • Organization according to clinical presentation rather than disease etiology makes it very practical for use in the clinical setting.
  • Correlations of clinical and radiographic findings with microscopy provide an in-depth understanding of oral diseases.
  • Current concepts on disease etiology and treatment are emphasized.

  • Full-color images of nearly every disease discussed facilitate effective learning and easy identification of intraoral lesions.
  • An accompanying CD-ROM showcases an impressive electronic image collection, containing full-color photomicrographs, a 680-question test bank, and 30 illustrated case studies that feature clinical histories, photographs, and photomicrographs.
  • The Clinical Overview section has been reorganized for quick reference as a pictorial guide to lesions that patients often present with.
  • A brand-new chapter on Advanced Diagnostic Methods in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology provides current information on cutting-edge diagnostic methods.
  • Each chapter has been extensively revised, making this almost an entirely "new" text that reflects the most current concepts and methodology in oral and maxillofacial pathology.

With 6 expert contributors.

Improved Version
PDF with Chapter Bookmarks & links in contents of each chapter
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