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Dermatopathology: Third Edition by Raymond Barnhill, A. Neil Crowson, Cynthia Magro, Michael Piepkorn

 Hardcover: 1104 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; 3 edition (January 6, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0071489231
ISBN-13: 978-0071489232

For virtually every kind of skin lesion, this skill-sharpening resource has everything you need to successfully perform differential diagnosis at the microscopic level. Dermatopathology features a systematic, algorithmic approach that cuts through the complexity of the discipline’s traditional disease-oriented focus, providing a ready-to-use diagnostic tool that puts the entire world of dermatopathology into perspective.
Filled with hundreds of color photomicrographs, the book features a clear five-part organization and 37 detailed chapters—each reflecting the scientifically rigorous, up-to-date insights of authors who are acknowledged experts in the field. The book’s vast scope encompasses all skin disease processes—inflammatory, non-inflammatory, infections, and proliferations (harmatomas, hyperplasias, and neoplasms, plus disorders of nails and oral mucosa).

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