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Ten Cate's Oral Histology: Development, Structure, and Function (9780323016148): Antonio Nanci PhD


"The author feels that the impact of this edition will be demonstrated as transitional toward creating a fully interactive, electronic version. In the future, this will help the dentist keep pace with tissue engineering and gene therapy to heal and rebuild oral tissues. This text is a most comprehensive resource of oral histology that every practitioner should have in his or her office."
- Journal of Dental Hygiene - 2004

Book Description

Detailed information on the development, structure, and function of teeth and surrounding tissues

Product Details
  • Hardcover: 416 pages
  • Publisher: Mosby; 6 edition (July 3, 2003)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0323016146
  • ISBN-13: 978-0323016148
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