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Rang & Dale’s Pharmacology: with STUDENT CONSULT – May 2011 Edition

Product Description

Rang & Dale’s Pharmacology provides you with all the knowledge you need to get through your pharmacology course and beyond. Drs. Humphrey P. Rang, Maureen M. Dale, James M. Ritter, Rod Flower, and Graeme Henderson present a clear and accessible approach to the analysis of therapeutic agents at the cellular and molecular level through detailed diagrams, full-color illustrations, and pedagogical features. Plus, USMLE-style review questions and additional learning tools online at make this the perfect resource to turn to for a full understanding of key concepts in pharmacology.
  • Access the fully searchable text online at, along with 500 USMLE-style multiple-choice review questions, downloadable images, and online only references.
  • Find and cross-reference information quickly using a color-coded layout that makes navigation easy.
  • Effectively understand and review key concepts through detailed diagrams and full-color illustrations that clarify even the most complex concepts.
  • Reinforce your learning with key points boxes and clinical uses boxes that highlight crucial information and clinical applications.
  • Apply current best practices and clinical applications through thoroughly updated and revised drug information.
  • Stay current with the latest developments in the field thanks to major updates in chapters such as How Drugs Act; Amino Acid Transmitters; Analgesic Drugs; Antidepressant Drugs; and Drug Addiction, Dependence & Abuse.
  • Tap into comprehensive content tailored to your courses with new and reorganized chapters on Host Defense; Inflammatory Mediators; Pharmacogenetics, Pharmacogenomics & Personalized Medicine; Hydroxytoptomine & The Pharmacy of Migraine; and Purines.
Build your basic and clinical pharmacology knowledge with a comprehensive yet easy-to-use text.
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Emergency Medicine Secrets (The Secrets Series)

The Secrets Series® is breaking new ground again. This updated and expanded edition will cover all aspects of emergency medicine. Sections include decision making in emergency medicine, primary complaints, nontraumatic illness, central nervous system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary tract, hematology/oncology, metabolism and endocrinology, infectious disease, environmental emergencies, neonatal and childhood disorders, toxicologic emergencies, gynecology and obstetrics, trauma, behavioral emergencies, emergency medicine administration and risk management, and medical oversight and disaster management. A new, two-color page layout, a more portable size, and a list of the “Top 100 Secrets” in emergency medicine help readers to better meet the challenges they face today. And, at no extra charge, purchasers also receive online access to the complete contents of the text via Elsevier’s innovative website. Readers will still find all of the features they rely on the Secret Series® for-a question- and -answer format, lists, mnemonics, and tables and an informal tone that make reference fast and easy. No matter what questions arise this updated 4th edition has the answers-in print and online.
Uses bulleted lists, tables, short answers, and a highly detailed index to expedite reference.
  • Your purchase of this book entitles you to access at no extra charge. This innovative web site offers you…
  • Access to the complete text and illustrations of this book.
  • Content clipping for your handheld.
  • An interactive community center with a wealth of additional resources.
  • The more STUDENT CONSULT titles you buy, the more resources you can access online! Look for the STUDENT CONSULT logo on your favorite Elsevier textbooks!
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Chronic Kidney Disease, Dialysis, and Transplantation: A Companion to Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney – Expert Consult – 2010 Edition

Chronic Kidney Disease, Dialysis, and Transplantation-a companion to Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney-covers all clinical management issues relevant to chronic kidney disease. Drs. Jonathan Himmelfarb and Mohamed Sayegh lead a team of expert contributors to present you with the latest advances in hypertensive kidney disease, vitamin D deficiency, diabetes management, transplantation, and more. With the fully searchable text online at, you’ll have convenient access to everything you need to manage your patients.

Apply the expertise of distinguished researchers and clinicians in the fields of hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, critical care nephrology, and transplantation.
Manage the full range of issues in chronic kidney disease, dialysis, and transplantation through comprehensive coverage of basic science and clinical tools.
Gain clear visual understanding from illustrations, including diagnostic and treatment algorithms, line drawings, and photographs.

Access the fully searchable contents online at, along with links to PubMed.
Better manage your patients with up-to-date coverage on the latest advances in 13 new chapters including Hypertensive Kidney Disease, Vitamin D Deficiency, Diabetes Management, and more.
Gain fresh perspectives from a revised editorial team led by Jonathan Himmelfarb-a young leader in the field of acute renal failure-and Mohamed Sayegh-a worldwide expert on kidney transplantation.

Himmelfarb and Sayegh give you all of the basic science and clinical tools to properly manage patients with chronic renal disease
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