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Mosby’s Orthodontic Review

Mosby’s Orthodontic Review

Jeryl D. English, Timo Peltomaki, Kate Pham-Litschel – Mosby’s Orthodontic Evaluation

Printed: 2008-03-05 | ISBN: 0323050077 | PDF | 320 pages | fifty six MB
With a concise, focused critique of orthodontic ideas and current scientific info, like analysis, remedy organizing, and scientific treatment, MOSBY’S ORTHODONTIC Assessment is the resource you need to achieve the very best results for good results on competency examinations as well as superb medical outcomes. From foundational concepts to much more subjective locations of treatment arranging and clinical therapy, this guide involves a prosperity of information from distinguished educators, latest graduates, and working towards professionals to support you prepare for the NBDE, Component II and the ABO created and clinical examinations. In addition, the companion CD-ROM consists of 6 orthodontic circumstances written in the format required by the ABO for the Preliminary Scientific Assessment to support familiarize you with the needed ABO format.

Content is created to prepare you for the NBDE, Component II and the ABO written and scientific examinations to aid you attain the very best benefits.

Comprehensive illustrations supply a visible information to problems, techniques, diagnoses, essential ideas, and much more with scenario study photos that detail treatment method from a patient’s original examination to completion.

Established question and answer format addresses the essential information for every single subject and helps get ready you for certification exams.
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SIZE: 100 KB

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Swanson’s Family Medicine Review

Thoroughly revised and updated, the all-time best-selling, most complete family medicine board review guide continues to be the resource of choice for anyone preparing to take the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) examination. This 6th edition features dozens of new cases and hundreds of new questions that assess your knowledge of the latest diagnostic methods, medications, and management techniques, two new authors, two entirely new sections, many new chapters, increased Category 1 CME credits, and more. It’s simply the best way to keep absolutely up to date on all concepts relevant to primary care and family medicine practice. It’s also the only ABFM review text that mimics the actual format of the exam, making it the most effective review tool available for passing boards.
    Features two new editors who provide fresh input on the questions and topics and ensure accuracy.
    Incorporates dozens of new cases and hundreds of new questions that assess your mastery of the latest diagnostic methods, medications, and management techniques.
    Includes revised sections: “Family, Community, and Population Health” and “Communications” that test you on the hottest issues in family medicine.
    Provides enhanced discussions throughout on over-the-counter medications, keeping you current on the latest in that arena.
    Allows you to earn up to 89 hours of AMA Category 1 Physician’s Recognition Award CME Credit.
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Quick Reference to Critical Care

The fourth edition of this pocket-sized reference guide to procedures, treatments, and stabilization techniques for disorders, injuries, and patient situations commonly seen in the critical care setting is now updated for use by nursing students as well practicing critical care nurses.  Featuring new  information on new drugs, defibrillators and EECP therapy, this useful reference offers two sections providing quick access to need-to-know information. The first section is organized by body system, with problems of each system alphabetized. The second section contains essential information on drugs, dosing, conversions, calculations, compatibilities, laboratory tests, and more.
This edition features over 200 images and tables, as well as Fast Facts and mnemonics to foster knowledge retention. Cross-references include page numbers, which provides quick access to information without the need to search the index.
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Deja Review USMLE Step 2 CK , Second Edition

Book Description

March 2, 2010 0071627162 978-0071627160 2
Ace the USMLE Step 2 CK with these unique “flashcards in a book”!
Students who just took the USMLE Step 2 CK reveal what it takes to excel!
"I highly recommend this book for Step 2 review. This is useful because it has a consistent, straightforward question and answer format. The answers are short and to the point, which makes it easy for self-tests. The 'make a diagnosis' sections are very helpful )and reflective) of shelf exam questions. I will be sure to let my classmates know this is a great resource!" -- Jesicca Bury, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Class of 2010
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Textbook of Orthodontics By Samir E Bashara 1st Edition

Book Description

March 22, 2001 0721682898 978-0721682891 1
This is a comprehensive textbook written for the predoctoral dental student. Samir E. Bishara and the other contributors present the fundamentals of orthodontics in 30 chapters divided into six sections: Growth and Development; Diagnosis; Appliances; Treatment and Treatment Considerations; Other Aspects Related to Treatment; and Orthodontics and Adjunct Treatment. Case examples relate the concepts to clinical applications and make the text appealing and useful.
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Planning and Making Crowns and Bridges by smith


Product Description


'The greatest strength of the book lies in the sensible and comprehensive way it provides descriptions of clinical procedures', British Dental Journal
'Well thought-out and exceedingly well presented ... I can wholeheartedly recommend this work as a worthwhile addition to any practitioner's bookshelf', British Dental Review
'Must be considered a "best  buy" for every practitioner interested in a planned approach to crown and bridgework', Dental Update

Product Description

This highly successful text, which has achieved wide acclaim among practitioners and is a recommended text in the major dental schools, has again been revised and updated to keep it at the forefront of clinical practice. As before, the intention is to help solve real clinical problems by guiding dentists to make the right initial decision and then carry it through. This new edition includes significantly expanded material on veneers and implants in particular, so as to help dentists advise patients in their choice of what to do and how to make informed choices.
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Textbook of Prosthodontics By Nallaswamy

Textbook of Prosthodontics By Nallaswamy

Book Description

December 1, 2006
This book provides a comprehensive information about the principles and procedures involved in the fabrication of complete dentures, removable partial dentures, fixed partial dentures, maxillofacial prostheses/appliances and implants. Presentation of subject makes learning prosthodontics a more easy, simple and pleasurable experience as at the first glance it would be quickly understandable. The topics covered follow the sequence of the procedures done in practice which make learning faster and retention quicker and long lasting. It presents a clinically oriented account of the subject, covering all the key concepts that students need to know with no gaps.
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Peterson's Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Third Edition

Peterson's Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Third Edition

Book Description

December 31, 2011 1607951118 978-1607951117 3
Peterson's Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery third edition, encompasses a wide range of diverse topics making it a unique text amongst the medical and dental specialties. The purpose of this concise, easy-to-read two-volume text is to provide an authoritative and currently referenced survey of the specialty of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. It contains the necessary information for clinicians and is an ideal reference text for preparation for board certification in the specialty.

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Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry By James B. Summitt

 Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry By James B. Summitt


Book Description

January 31, 2006 0867154527 978-0867154528 3
This text blends traditional, proven methods and recent scientific developments, such as adhesive technologies and resin composites. With a commitment to conservative procedures, the authors describe scientific bases and techniques for the range of restorative options now available. While intended primarily for students, the text will also be valuable to the practitioner seeking an update on the subject.
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Molecular Bacteriology Protocols and Clinical Applications


Molecular Bacteriology Protocols and Clinical Applications

Molecular Bacteriology
Protocols and Clinical Applications (Methods in Molecular Medicine)
Pages: 682

In Molecular Bacteriology: Protocols and Clinical Applications, Woodford and Johnson bring together in a single volume a state-of-the-art collection of detailed molecular methods for the diagnosis and clinical investigation of bacterial infections. These wide ranging techniques — each presented by recognized experts who have fine-tuned their methods for optimum performance

will permit readers to establish them successfully in their own laboratories. An accompanying series of minireviews highlights and explains the clinical and epidemiological relevance of the techniques and shows how they may be applied to major pathogen species and various types of antibiotic resistance.

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The Sword by Greg Costikyan free ebook download

Download By The Sword by Greg Costikyan free ebook download


Date1994-05-15 Language:English
Size:2.89 MB

Description:Nijon is a young barbarian on his manhood quest. He is recovering from slaying a lion bare-handed when he encounters his true father, the god Mongoose--who introduces him to his brother/companion, a live mongoose, and predicts a great future for his sons. Through a series of adventures, Nijon encounters treachery and magic and romance in the service of his father's prophecy.

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Harrison's Manual of Medicine, 17th Edition Download eBook

 Harrison's Manual of Medicine, 17th Edition Download eBook


Book Description

Book Description

March 19, 2009 0071477438 978-0071477437 17
Put the authority and accuracy of Harrison's in the palm of your hand!

"This condensed version is for anyone who has the remotest association with the practice of medicine, be they internists, surgeons, nurses, technical staff, or counselors. This is the authority, and in a time of readily available but not always accurate information, this is the one source that can be relied upon, in an almost pocket-sized edition....While the main text is one of the absolute pillars of any medical library, this is the pillar to be carried with you on rounds. It is the final word in internal medicine and we all owe a debt of gratitude to the editors and contributors who have created this extraordinary authority in medicine."--Doody's Review Service
Referenced to Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, the world's leading internal medicine textbook, this ultra-handy, portable reference delivers on-the-spot answers to the clinical problems you face in everyday practice. Turn to any page, and you'll find essential point-of-care guidance on all the major conditions seen in clinical medicine.
Completely updated to reflect all the major advances and new clinical developments, the new edition of the Manual is the most indispensable yet. It continues to focus on diagnosis and therapy with an emphasis on patient care and offers authoritative, high-yield coverage of:
  • Etiology and epidemiology
  • Clinically relevant pathophysiology
  • Signs & Symptoms
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Physical and Laboratory Findings
  • Therapeutics
  • Practice Guidelines


  • Full-color presentation for the first time!
  • Full-color images of clinical conditions encountered in dermatology, cardiology, and eye diseases
  • New chapters on end-of-life care, congenital heart disease in the adult patient, non-invasive cardiac examination, and metabolic syndrome
Look for these other great Harrison's titles:
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 17e
Harrison's Online available through


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Darkness Falls: Immortal Beloved free ebook download

Download Darkness Falls: Immortal Beloved free ebook download

Size:5.16 MB

Description:Nastasya has lived for hundreds of years, but for some reason, life never seems to get any better. She left her spoiled, rich girl life to find peace at River's Edge, a safe haven for wayward immortals. There, she learned to embrace River's Edge, despite som drama involving the sexy Reyn, who she wants but won't allow herself to have. But just as she's getting comfortable, her family's ties to dark magick force her to leave. She falls back into her old, hard partying ways, but will her decision lead her into the hands of a dark immortal? Or will it be her first step to embracing the darkness within her?

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The Iron Wars free ebook download

Download The Iron Wars free ebook download


Size:3.00 MB

Description:The third novel in an epic fantasy series about warring nations torn apart by religion and magic. "Impressive for its human insights, its unusual take on the use of magic and its fine blending of historical elements with sheer invention." (Locus)
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Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine 7th Edition ebook Download

Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine, 7e

 Book Description

July 2, 2009 0702029939 978-0702029936 7
The 7th edition of Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine is a thoroughly updated, reworked and revised new edition of the first-prize winner in the Medicine category in the BMA 2006 Medical Book Competition. It is the market-leading comprehensive and authoritative single-volume textbook of internal medicine, consulted by students and doctors alike throughout the world. Covering the management of disease, based on an understanding of scientific principles, and including the latest developments in treatment, it is written for medical students and doctors preparing for specialist exams, but it is an ideal general reference text for all practising doctors. The new edition is part of Elsevier's StudentConsult electronic community. .

  • Drawings and photographs bring the subjects to life.

  • Boxes and tables pull out and display important information.

  • Clear headings and a comprehensive index allow the reader to pinpoint information quickly and accurately.

  • The online version has been extended and updated as part of the Student Consult platform.

  • Over 100 new illustrations.

  • Five new contributors.

  • Thoroughly updated, rewritten and revised to reflect changes in practice and approach.

  • Online version with extra content, including animations and sounds, and fuller treatments of regionally specific medical problems such as malaria, SARS, TB, viral haemorrhagic (dengue) fever, leprosy, snake bite etc.

  • Expanded input from the International Advisory Panel of experts from around the world, augmenting the book's international scope.

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    Infernal Affairs free ebook download

    Infernal Affairs free ebook download

    Size:3.94 MB

    Description:A dead body on the beach turns out to be a live demon on the run from some of the nastiest bounty hunters in this dimension-or the next. Protecting one demon from another, Tess gets wrapped up in a case that's as dangerous as it is mind-boggling, especially when it begins to involve her own past.

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    Napier's Bones free ebook download

    Napier's Bones free ebook download

    Size:4.00 MB

    Description:What if, in a world where mathematics could be magic, the thing you desired most was also trying to kill you? Dom is a numerate, someone able to see and control numbers and use them as a form of magic. While seeking a mathematical item of immense power that has only been whispered about, it all goes south for Dom, and he finds himself on the run across three countries on two continents, with two unlikely companions in tow and a numerate of unfathomable strength hot on his tail. Along the way are giant creatures of stone and earth, statues come alive, numerical wonders cast over hundreds of years, and the very real possibility that he won't make it out of this alive. And both of his companions have secrets so deep that even they aren't aware of them, and one of those secrets could make for a seismic shift in how Dom and all other numerates see and interact with the world.

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    The Essential Guide to Family & Medical Leave by Lisa Guerin J.D. and Deborah C. England Attorney

    "The Essential Guide to Family & Medical Leave" by Lisa Guerin J.D. and Deborah C. England Attorney

    NOLO | 448 pages | English | 2007 | ISBN: 1413306713 | PDF | 2,3 MB

    An indispensable guide to respecting employees' rights and protecting your business interests. The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a law with a noble purpose: To help employees balance the demands of work and family.

    But the FMLA can be difficult to apply in the real world, especially when other laws -- such as workers' comp statutes or state leave laws -- also come into play. Any misstep can create needless frustration for both managers and employees.

    Fortunately, The Essential Guide to Family & Medical Leave provides all the information and forms you need to comply with the FMLA. It answers vital questions, such as:

    # Who qualifies for leave?
    # How much leave can employees take?
    # What are the employee's --and the company' s --notice obligations?
    # What are a companys 'obligations to an employee on leave?
    # How can a company minimize disruptions?

    The Essential Guide to Family & Medical Leave also includes a CD-ROM packed with checklists, forms and worksheets, as well as audio dialogues that show how to communicate effectively with employees who need to take leave. Let The Essential Guide to Family & Medical Leave help you meet your legal obligations to employees, while also meeting your company's needs.

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    Desk Encyclopedia of Human and Medical Virology by Brian W.J. Mahy and Marc H.V. van Regenmorte

    Desk Encyclopedia of Human and Medical Virology by Brian W.J. Mahy and Marc H.V. van Regenmorte

    Publisher: Academic Press | ISBN: 0123751470 | edition 2009 | PDF | 661 pages | 13,5 mb

    This volume contains 82 chapters that provide detail and understanding to the fields of human and medical virology. The first section describes general features of common human viruses with specialized chapters related to HIV/AIDS. The volume goes on to describe exotic virus infections, including one now eradicated virus (smallpox) and some now controlled by vaccination such as yellow fever. Concepts of medical virology are further developed with entries on viruses associated with oncogenesis and selections of interest to medical virology.
    Part 2
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    BMA A-Z Family Medical Encyclopedia Download

    This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
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    Lyra's Oxford free ebook download

    Lyra's Oxford free ebook download

    Size:6.00 MB

    Description:An exciting new tale set in the world of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials saga. This collectible hardcover volume includes a short story by Mr. Pullman, plus a fold-out map of Oxford and various "souvenirs" from the past. The book is illustrated throughout with woodcut illustrations by John Lawrence
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    Over Sea, Under Stone free ebook download

    Over Sea, Under Stone free ebook download

    Size:4.00 MB

    Description:"I DID NOT KNOW THAT YOU CHILDREN WOULD BE THE ONES TO FIND IT. OR WHAT DANGER YOU WOULD BE PUTTING YOURSELVES IN." Throughout time, the forces of good and evil have battled continuously, maintaining the balance. Whenever evil forces grow too powerful, a champion of good is called to drive them back. Now, with evil's power rising and a champion yet to be found, three siblings find themselves at the center of a mystical war. Jane, Simon, and Barney Drew have discovered an ancient text that reads of a legendary grail lost centuries ago. The grail is an object of great power, buried with a vital secret. As the Drews race against the forces of evil, they must piece together the text's clues to find the grail -- and keep its secret safe until a newchampion rises.
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    Pure Blood free ebook download

    Pure Blood free ebook download

    Size:4.00 MB

    Description:In the shadows of Nocturne City, witches lurk and demons prowl, and homicide detective Luna Wilder must keep the peace while living life as a werewolf. Now bodies are turning up all over town, the brutal murders linked by a cryptic message: We see with empty eyes To make matters worse for Luna, she can't get wolfishly handsome Dmitri Sandovsky out of her mind. The last time he helped her with a case, Dmitri suffered a demon bite that infected him with a mysterious illness and now his pack elders have forbidden him from associating with Luna. But she'll need his help when high-level witches start turning up slaughtered. Because a war is brewing between rival clans of blood witches and caster witches a magical gang war with the power to burn Nocturne City to the ground.
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    Gray's Anatomy The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice, Expert Consult

    Gray's Anatomy The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice, Expert Consult

     Book Description

    November 21, 2008 0443066841 978-0443066849 40
    A universal landmark in medicine ever since Drs. Henry Gray and H.V. Carter published the first edition in 1858, Gray's Anatomy now celebrates its 150th anniversary! From state-of-the-art coverage of important new areas such as functional neuroimaging, embryogenesis, and biomechanics . . . through a comprehensively revamped, lavish full-color art program . . . as well as convenient access to the complete contents online, with downloadable illustrations, the new 40th Edition sets a new world standard for accuracy, clarity, and clinical relevance. It is THE place to turn when you want to be sure about the anatomical considerations that pertain to safe and effective practice. You'll find it an invaluable clinical resource, a pleasure to consult, and a reference that you'll be proud to have on your shelf. contributors and specialist reviewers worldwide, ensures the most detailed and dependable coverage of anatomy available anywhere, including in-depth information on normal variants.
    • A regional organization collects all relevant material on each body area together in one place, for easy clinical reference.
    • Meticulously enhanced and updated artwork throughout - with 2,000 images now in full color - provide a more consistent, coherent view of every anatomical detail, providing practitioners across all specialties with the best, most clinically helpful visual understanding available.
    • 200 completely new radiologic, CT, MR, and other imaging studies vividly capture anatomy as it is primarily seen by physicians.
    • Significantly expanded clinical discussions emphasize considerations that may affect medical care.
    • Online access via Expert Consult allows you to reference the book's complete contents from any computer, fully searchable, and download thousands of detailed anatomical illustrations.

    Your purchase entitles you to access the web site until the next edition is published, or until the current edition is no longer offered for sale by Elsevier, whichever occurs first. If the next edition is published less than one year after your purchase, you will be entitled to online access for one year from your date of purchase. Elsevier reserves the right to offer a suitable replacement product (such as a downloadable or CD-ROM-based electronic version) should access to the web site be discontinued.
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    On Stranger Tides free ebook download

    On Stranger Tides free ebook download

    Size:3.00 MB

    Description:Aboard the Vociferous Carmichael puppeteer John Chandagnac is sailing toward Jamaica to claim his stolen birthright from an unscrupulous uncle when the vessel is captured . . . by pirates! Offered a choice by Captain Phil Davies to join their seafaring band or die, Chandagnac assumes the name John Shandy and a new life as a brigand. But more than swashbuckling sea battles and fabulous plunder await the novice buccaneer on the roiling Caribbean waters for treachery and powerful vodun sorcery are coins of the realm in this dark new world. And for the love of beautiful, magically imperiled Beth Hurwood, Shandy will set sail on even stranger tides, following the savage, ghost-infested pirate king Blackbeard and a motley crew of the living and the dead to the cursed nightmare banks of the fabled Fountain of Youth.
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    All Good Children free ebook download

    All Good Children free ebook download

    Author: Catherine Austen

    Date: 2011-10-01

    ISBN: 1554698243

    Pages: 312

    Language: English

    Publisher: Orca Book Publishers

    Description:It's the middle of the twenty-first century and the elite children of New Middletown are lined up to receive a treatment that turns them into obedient, well-mannered citizens. Maxwell Connors, a seventeen-year-old prankster, misfit and graffiti artist, observes the changes with growing concern, especially when his younger sister, Ally, is targeted. Max and his best friend, Dallas, escape the treatment, but must pretend to be "zombies" while they watch their freedoms and hopes decay. When Max's family decides to take Dallas with them into the unknown world beyond New Middletown's borders, Max's creativity becomes an unexpected bonus rather than a liability. (20111115)

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    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire download

    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire download

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    Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince (AudioBook and Ebook)

    Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince (AudioBook and Ebook)


    01 The Other Minister

    02 A Spinners End

    03 Will & Won’t

    04 Horace Slughorn

    05 An Excess Of Phlegm

    06 Draco’s Detour

    07 The Slug Club

    08 Snape Victorious

    09 The Half Blood Prince

    10 The House Of Gaunt

    11 Hermione’s Helping

    12 Silver & Opals

    13 The Secret Riddle

    14 Felix Felicis

    15 The Unbreakable Vow

    16 Very Frosty Christmas

    17 Sluggish Memory

    18 Birthday Surprise

    19 Elf Tales

    20 Lord Voldemort’s Request

    21 The Unknowable Room

    22 After The Burial

    23 Horcruxes

    24 Sectumsempra

    25 The Seer Overheard

    26 The Cave

    27 The Lightning Struck Tower

    28 Flight Of The Prince

    29 The Phoenix Lament

    30 The White Tomb

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    Safety Standards and Infection Control for Dental Hygienists

    Safety Standards and Infection Control for Dental Hygienists

    Ellen Dietz-Bourguignon, Raula Badavinac | Delmar Cengage Learning | 2001 | 368 | English | PDF
    Federally mandated changes in infection control and disease containment have had a significant impact on dentistry and have become an integral part of the educational preparation of dental hygiene students. Safety Standards and Infection Control for Dental Hygienists presents thorough coverage of the safety standards and infectious disease prevention in five key areas: Microbiology and Disease Prevention Specific to Dentistry, National Guidelines, Recommendations, and Regulations Affecting Dental Practice, Infection Control Techniques in the Dental Office, Environmental Health and Safety in the Dental Office, and Office Communications Regarding Infection Control. Proper compliance in the professional world begins with proper training as a student and this comprehensive text provides the ideal educational content. The detailed content is augmented by learning objectives and key terms to familiarize students with the terminology along with Skill Mastery Assessment questions at the end of each chapter. Numerous hands-on procedures are included in the chapters to help students put the information and techniques into practice. Safety Standards and Infection Control for Dental Hygienists is truly one of the most critical student-to-professional texts to train sound infection control practices in future dental hygienists. The Instructor's Manual includes Skill-Building exercises that can be used in class to encourage critical thinking skills and reinforce text concepts. The Instructor's Manual also contains answers to the Skill Mastery Assessment questions found in the text.
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    Woelfel's Dental Anatomy: Its Relevance to Dentistry

    Woelfel's Dental Anatomy: Its Relevance to Dentistry

    Language: English | Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | ISBN: 1608317463 | 2011 | PDF | 520 pages | 29 mb
    A market-leading dental anatomy textbook for dental, dental hygiene, and dental assisting students, Woelfel's Dental Anatomy focuses on anatomy of the human mouth and teeth, and is designed to help the student understand the relationship of the teeth to one another, and to the bones, muscles, nerves, and vessels associated with the teeth and face. This text does more than simply explain dental anatomy; it links the anatomy to clinical practice, giving readers a stronger and more practical understanding of tooth structure and function, morphology, anatomy, and terminology. Chapters have been revised and reorganized into three parts—Comparative Tooth Anatomy, Application of Tooth Anatomy in Dental Practice, and Anatomic Structures of the Oral Cavity—to make the material more accessible to dental hygiene programs.

    The companion website offers Student Resources for an enhanced learning experience with an interactive image bank, image labeling exercises, and PowerPoint presentations. Instructor Resources include a test generator, an interactive image bank, PowerPoint presentations, and answers to the book's critical thinking questions.

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    Advanced Dental Implant Therapy

    Advanced Dental Implant Therapy

    DVDRip | AVI / DivX, 1221 kb/s | 640x432 | 00:45:57 | English: MP3, 128 kb/s (2 ch) | 447 mb
    Genre: Medicine
    “This course provides training in surgical and prosthodontic procedures used in treatment of complex esthetic zone cases and the edentulous maxilla and mandible for those already experienced in basic implant surgery. Surgical training focuses on maxillary sinus elevation bone grafting, implant placement in completely edentulous arches, and implant placement in the esthetic zone. Prosthodontic training covers prosthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning of all treatment plan options for edentulous arches and the esthetic zone. Special emphasis is placed on prosthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning as the principal guide for the surgical treatment plan to obtain stable, long term esthetics and function and on the application of these principles and procedures to patient goals. ”
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    Advances in Applied Microbiology, Volume 73

    Title:Advances in Applied Microbiology, Volume 73
    Applied Microbiology
    Publisher:Academic Press
    Format: PDF
    Size:1.27 MB

    Description:Published since 1959, Advances in Applied Microbiology continues to be one of the most widely read and authoritative review sources in microbiology. The series contains comprehensive reviews of the most current research in applied microbiology. Recent areas covered include bacterial diversity in the human gut, protozoan grazing of freshwater biofilms, metals in yeast fermentation processes and the interpretation of host-pathogen dialogue through microarrays. Eclectic volumes are supplemented by thematic volumes on various topics, including Archaea and sick building syndrome. Impact factor for 2008: 1.658. * Contributions from leading authorities and industry experts * Informs and updates on all the latest developments in the field * Reference and guide for scientists and specialists involved in advancements in applied microbiology
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    Alcamo's Fundamentals of Microbiology, 8th Edition free ebook download

    Alcamo's Fundamentals of Microbiology, 8th Edition free ebook download
    Size:175.00 MB

    Description:Alcamo s Fundamentals of Microbiology, Eighth Edition provides a firm foundation in microbiology with an emphasis on human disease. It is written for students in nursing and allied health programs and is appropriate for non-majors microbiology courses. The Eighth Edition of this classic text, revised by award winning educator Jeffrey Pommerville, retains the late Ed Alcamo s student friendly style. Microbiology is a rapidly advancing and dynamic discipline. Dr. Pommerville presents new content on recent discoveries, such as information on the avian flu and the 2006 Midwest mumps outbreak, in a manner that is directly applicable to students. Dr. Pommerville also integrates new teaching pedagogies, based on his years of teaching experience, to promote problem-based learning andfacilitate mastery of concepts.

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    Handbook of Media for Clinical Microbiology

     Handbook of Media for Clinical Microbiology


    Book Description

    May 17, 2006 084933795X 978-0849337956 2
    While evolving molecular diagnostic methods are being heralded for the role they will play in improving our ability to cultivate and identify bacteria, fungi, and viruses, the reality is that those new methods are still beyond the technical and financial reach of most clinical laboratories. Most clinical microbiology laboratories still rely upon culture methods for the identification of microorganisms of medical importance.

    The newest edition of the Handbook of Media for Clinical Microbiology addresses the needs of clinical microbiology laboratories and infectious disease researchers. Authored by Ronald Atlas and James Snyder, who over the years have built solid reputations among researchers for their exceptionally reliable media handbooks, this volume gives microbiologists in clinical and medical laboratories the reference they need to quickly and effectively deal with the modern challenges shaping the field.

    Organized for a fast-paced environment, this fully updated Second Edition provides clinical diagnostic laboratories with an easy-to-use reference for those routine and specialized media employed in the cultivation of pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Almost 1,650 media are described in this edition, among them many newly developed media designed for the rapid detection and identification of disease-causing microorganisms, including those responsible for emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases.

    Describes media designed to cultivate and identify Escherichia coli O157:H7, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and vancomycin-resistant enterococci

    Includes chromogenic or fluorogenic substrates that permit the rapid detection of specific pathogens critical to the diagnosis of individuals with specific infectious diseases

    The Handbook provides a compilation of the formulations, methods of preparation, and applications for media used in the clinical microbiology laboratory. Listings are alphabetical, and each includes medium composition, instruction for preparation, commercial sources, and intended uses. This highly useful resource also discusses the role of the clinical laboratory in the diagnosis of infectious diseases and the process for detecting infectious diseases, including specimen receipt, media selection, antibiotic susceptibility testing, and biosafety considerations. It includes media for the cultivation of emerging and re-emerging pathogens and bioterrorism threat agents.
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    Prescott's Microbiology

    Prescott's Microbiology


    Book Description

    January 2, 2008 0470107480 978-0470107485 7
    Microbiology: Principles and Explorations has been a best-selling textbook for several editions due to the author's engaging writing style where her passion for the subject shines through the narrative. The text's student-friendly approach provides readers with an excellent introduction to the study of Microbiology. This text is appropriate for non-major and mixed major microbiology courses, allied health, agriculture and food sciences courses too.
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    Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Lang series Tenth Edition

    Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Tenth Edition

    Book Description

    May 8, 2008 0071496203 978-0071496209 10
    Ace the USMLE Step 1 and course exams with the most concise, easy-to-use, and frequently updated medical microbiology and immunology review!
    " excellent resource for students as well as residents looking for a reference to aid them during their rotations....There are many microbiology review books aimed at students getting ready for national board exams. This book surpasses many of those in terms of basics and, especially, clinical relevance. The quick reference section as well as the hundreds of USMLE-type questions makes this a very solid and complete study companion. 3 Stars."--Doody's Review Service
    To put your preparation for USMLE Step 1 and course exams on the fast track, only one resource will do: Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology. Completely updated throughout, the Tenth Edition presents a high-yield review of the basic and clinical aspects of bacteriology, virology, mycology, parasitology, and immunology.
    Equally importantly, the book also emphasizes the real-world clinical application of microbiology and immunology to infectious diseases. One look, and you'll see why it's the definitive microbiology course and exam quick review!
    Everything you need to thoroughly and rapidly prepare for the exam:
    • The most frequently updated microbiology review available--one that enhances your understanding of the clinical relevance of microbiology
    • Over 600 sample questions to test your knowledge
    • A complete USMLE-style exam with case-based questions
    • Review questions and case studies to reinforce essential material
    • Summaries of important microorganisms
    • Summary tables that emphasize the need-to-know aspects of infectious diseases
    • Basic science pearls that summarize fundamental concepts
    • Information-packed tables and figures
    • NEW! Chapter on Ectoparasites, such as scabies mites, lice, nits, and spider bites
    • New! Insert of 70 color images, including Gram stains, bacteriological lab tests, viral electron micrographs and inclusion bodies, fungal stains, and protozoan and worm micrographs
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    Forensic Emergency Medicine

     Forensic Emergency Medicine


    Book Description

    August 24, 2006 0781792746 978-0781792745 Second
    Updated for its Second Edition, this text provides the information emergency departments need about the medicolegal aspects of treating victims of violence, motor vehicle accidents, sexual assault, child abuse, elder abuse, and intimate partner abuse. It offers detailed guidelines on interviewing and examining the victim and collecting, preserving, and documenting evidence for legal proceedings. The book includes a chapter by an attorney on expert testimony and a chapter on forensic photography. A full-color photo insert illustrates injury patterns and key evidence. This edition provides increased coverage of motor vehicle accidents, DNA evidence, and new drugs of abuse.
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    Forensic Pathology for Police, Death Investigators, Attorneys, and Forensic Scientists

     Forensic Pathology for Police, Death Investigators, Attorneys, and Forensic Scientists

     Book Description

    March 3, 2010 1588299759 978-1588299758 1st Edition.
    Forensic Pathology for Police, Death Investigators, Attorneys, and Forensic Scientists is a forensic pathology book specifically written for professionals who interact with forensic pathologists. The book includes sections that address various general topics which are not normally present in the typical forensic pathology text, such as descriptions of medical, pathology and forensic pathology training, basic anatomy and physiology, an overview of other forensic science disciplines, and autopsy performance. Forensic Pathology for Police, Death Investigators, Attorneys, and Forensic Scientists also covers classic topics in forensic pathology, including death investigation, death certification, postmortem changes, and the entire range of case types, ranging from natural deaths to drug-related deaths to various types of violent death. The text is written in easy-to-understand language, and is complemented by hundreds of high-quality photographs.
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