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Deja Review USMLE Step 2 CK , Second Edition

Book Description

March 2, 2010 0071627162 978-0071627160 2
Ace the USMLE Step 2 CK with these unique “flashcards in a book”!
Students who just took the USMLE Step 2 CK reveal what it takes to excel!
"I highly recommend this book for Step 2 review. This is useful because it has a consistent, straightforward question and answer format. The answers are short and to the point, which makes it easy for self-tests. The 'make a diagnosis' sections are very helpful )and reflective) of shelf exam questions. I will be sure to let my classmates know this is a great resource!" -- Jesicca Bury, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Class of 2010
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Textbook of Orthodontics By Samir E Bashara 1st Edition

Book Description

March 22, 2001 0721682898 978-0721682891 1
This is a comprehensive textbook written for the predoctoral dental student. Samir E. Bishara and the other contributors present the fundamentals of orthodontics in 30 chapters divided into six sections: Growth and Development; Diagnosis; Appliances; Treatment and Treatment Considerations; Other Aspects Related to Treatment; and Orthodontics and Adjunct Treatment. Case examples relate the concepts to clinical applications and make the text appealing and useful.
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