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Swanson’s Family Medicine Review

Thoroughly revised and updated, the all-time best-selling, most complete family medicine board review guide continues to be the resource of choice for anyone preparing to take the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) examination. This 6th edition features dozens of new cases and hundreds of new questions that assess your knowledge of the latest diagnostic methods, medications, and management techniques, two new authors, two entirely new sections, many new chapters, increased Category 1 CME credits, and more. It’s simply the best way to keep absolutely up to date on all concepts relevant to primary care and family medicine practice. It’s also the only ABFM review text that mimics the actual format of the exam, making it the most effective review tool available for passing boards.
    Features two new editors who provide fresh input on the questions and topics and ensure accuracy.
    Incorporates dozens of new cases and hundreds of new questions that assess your mastery of the latest diagnostic methods, medications, and management techniques.
    Includes revised sections: “Family, Community, and Population Health” and “Communications” that test you on the hottest issues in family medicine.
    Provides enhanced discussions throughout on over-the-counter medications, keeping you current on the latest in that arena.
    Allows you to earn up to 89 hours of AMA Category 1 Physician’s Recognition Award CME Credit.
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Quick Reference to Critical Care

The fourth edition of this pocket-sized reference guide to procedures, treatments, and stabilization techniques for disorders, injuries, and patient situations commonly seen in the critical care setting is now updated for use by nursing students as well practicing critical care nurses.  Featuring new  information on new drugs, defibrillators and EECP therapy, this useful reference offers two sections providing quick access to need-to-know information. The first section is organized by body system, with problems of each system alphabetized. The second section contains essential information on drugs, dosing, conversions, calculations, compatibilities, laboratory tests, and more.
This edition features over 200 images and tables, as well as Fast Facts and mnemonics to foster knowledge retention. Cross-references include page numbers, which provides quick access to information without the need to search the index.
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