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Clinical Problem Solving In Endodontics

Clinical Problem Solving In Endodontics

February 28, 2002 Endodontics
The problems arising from root canals in the daily clinical practice of dentistry can often be difficult and time-consuming to solve. Here a team from one leading center of dental excellence provides practical guidance to these difficult areas. They explain how to manage the complications that arise from the procedure, and their advice explores all possible issues on the subject. Topics include endodontic emergencies, medication, cavity preparation and techniques. The text provides not only step-by-step instruction, but also top-notch illustrations. Dental surgeons will find Endodontics: Problem Solving in Clinical Practice an essential addition to their reference resources.


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Problem Solving In Dentistry Free Book

Problem Solving In Dentistry Free Book

May 15, 2010 0443067848 978-0443067846 3
The latest edition of this popular book continues to provide a highly visual step-by-step guide to the practical management of a wide variety of presentations seen in clinical dental practice.

Containing over 350 high-quality photographs, line artworks and tables, Clinical Problem Solving in Dentistry is written in an easy-to read 'how to' style and contains a large number of real life clinical cases carefully presented to maximise learning outcomes for the reader.

Covering all core aspects of practice, Clinical Problem Solving in Dentistry, 3rd editionwill be of value to all general dental practitioners, both qualified and in training.
  • More than 350 colour illustrations, artworks and tables present clinical, diagnostic and practical information in an easy-to-follow manner
  • Designed to help the reader reorganise their knowledge into a clinically useful format
  • Explores treatment alternatives and evaluates their advantages and disadvantages
  • Integrates material from all the dental specialties in order to cover the full range of problems which will be seen in practice
  • Practical approach to the subject makes learning especially easy
  • Includes ten completely new problems, making the book almost twice as long as the first edition!
  • All the chapters have been completely revised to account for new national guidelines, changes in legislation and advances in treatment
  • Additional topics include Down's syndrome, bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis, headache and child protection

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    Reality Of Doctor .... haha

    Reality Of Doctor .... haha

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    Respect Of White Coat

    Respect Of White Coat

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    Lung Damage Over Come By ‘Cinnamon Challenge’

    Lung Damage Over Come By ‘Cinnamon Challenge’

    The so-called cinnamon challenge went viral in 2012 as over 50,000 video clips of people attempting to swallow a tablespoonful of cinnamon in under 60 seconds popped up on YouTube — along with the inevitable gagging, coughing and misery of the unsuccessful dares. Excessive amounts of cinnamon, as the teens in the videos knew, can cause burning and inflammation of sensitive tissues in the mouth, nose and throat, and caused a spike in calls to the poison control centers. The American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) reported that in the first three months of 2012, these centers received 139 calls for cinnamon abuse, 122 of which were related to the Cinnamon Challenge. Thirty of those people required immediate medical attention.

    Now a new study published in the journal Pediatrics details more health harms related to the dare. The latest data, the authors of the study say, showed that 222 calls came into poison centers in 2012 related to the stunt, compared to 51 calls in 2011. Some teens were treated for collapsed lungs and required ventilators after attempting the challenge.
    When swallowed by the tablespoonful, powdered cinnamon coats and dries out the mouth, making swallowing difficult. Cinnamon also contains a substance called cellulose that can stick in the lungs and compromise their ability to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. The study authors acknowledge that while these effects are usually temporary, people who have asthma or more delicate lungs could be at greater risk of more serious breathing problems if they try the stunt. “The cellulose doesn’t break down,” Dr. Steven Lipshultz, one of the authors of the study from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine said to the New York Times. “So when it gets into the lungs it sits there long term, and if it’s coated with this caustic cinnamon oil, that leads to chronic inflammation and eventually scarring of the lungs, something we call pulmonary fibrosis. Getting scarring in the lungs is equivalent to getting emphysema.”
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    Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors

    Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors


    April 19, 2007 0443074348 978-0443074349 3
    Up to date and comprehensive, the New Edition of Fletcher's renowned Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors provides you with today's best knowledge on the pathologic diagnosis of human tumors. This 3rd edition incorporates all of the latest ancillary diagnostic and prognostic techniques so you can effectively evaluate and confidently interpret suspected tumor specimens. Plus, more than 50 internationally recognized authorities and over 3,100 full-color illustrations provide you with an up-to-date account of tumor morphology, the application of modern diagnostic techniques (including molecular genetics), and key aspects of differential diagnosis.
    • Features over 3,000 high-quality full-color illustrations, providing visual guidance to each tumor or tumor-like entity.
    • Presents correlations of gross appearances to microscopic findings for virtually every tumor type.
    • Includes detailed discussions of differential diagnosis.


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