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Physician’s Home Assistant

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Welcome to Physician’s Home Assistant, an easy-to-use home medical software program. Physician’s Home Assistant was developed by a team of health care professionals including doctors, nurses, pharmacists and nutritionists with the aid of up-to-date textbooks and case studies. Wisely used, this program enables you to take an active role in understanding and promoting the optimum [COLOR=#960000 ! important][COLOR=#960000 ! important]health[/COLOR][/COLOR] of your family. Physician’s Home Assistant lets you replace concern with knowledge. Symptom Analysis Have you ever been to the doctor and found it difficult to describe your symptoms Physician’s Home Assistant prompts you with “YES/NO” questions regarding your symptoms. Based on your first set of answers, Physician’s Home Assistant asks follow-up questions. You can print your symptoms and get a list of possible causes. Being able to describe your symptoms clearly to your doctor should make your appointment go more smoothly and help your doctor to make a more accurate diagnosis. Drug Interactions You can either inquire about the side effects of individual drugs or ask Physician’s Home Assistant to alert you to potential interactions within many combinations of prescription and over-the-counter drugs before you take them. You can also check for interactions between drugs and caffeine or alcohol. Medical Record Have you ever had to search for your children’s immunization records in order to register them into a new school Do you know when you had your last tetanus shot Physician’s Home Assistant’s lets you record pertinent medical and health-related information. You can maintain medical records with details in 26 different categories. Records are filed individually, and can be printed so that wherever you go you can take your medical history with you. Encyclopedia The Encyclopedia section provides you with information on a variety of health related topics including diseases, and surgeries, poisons, first aid
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Atlas for clinical medicine

This completely revised version incorporates an unrivaled collection of over 2000 outstanding images. These images cover all the sub-specialties of medicine. Images and text from the best-selling parent book can be accessed using the comprehensive search tools and intuitive navigation system. This easy-to-use mechanism allows the user to sort images by type for quicker access. A simple click and the image can be enlarged for closer examination. The selected images and text can be saved for future reference or as a valuable resource in lecture building.

This outstanding CD-ROM presents stunning pictorial coverage of clinical medicine in its entirety. in one single source, youll find the complete text and illustrations from Clinical Medicine, 2nd Edition and Self-Assessment Picture Tests in Clinical Medicine. Throughout the program, 1,620 outstanding illustrations and video sequences highlight the clinical signs of all major medical disorders, and are accompanied by exceptional radiologic, ultrasound, endoscopic, and other images. Epidemiological information is available with a click of the mouse!

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Interactive Case Study CD Companion to ROBBINS AND COTRAN PATHOLOGIC BASIS OF DISEASE Seventh Edition Kumar, Schneider, Hagler

Interactive Case Study CD Companion to

Single-User Version
CD-ROM for Windows and Macintosh

Minimum System Requirements

1. Display: 16-bit color (thousands of colors) and 1024 x 768 display resolution,
or higher, is recommended for optimum image display.
2. Operating System: Windows 98 or higher with a Pentium 200 MHz or faster
processor; Macintosh OS 8.6 or higher with a PowerPC 200 MHz or faster
processor. At least 32 MB of RAM recommended.
3. Internet Browser: Internet Explorer 5.0, Netscape 7 or Safari 1.0 or higher

Installation Instructions

The CD is designed to run automatically when it is inserted on most Windows

If you are using a Macintosh computer, or the CD does not start automatically, open
your web browser, click on the File menu and select Open. Browse to the location of
the CD and locate a file called Start.html. Open this file, and then add a bookmark in
your web browser so that you can easily return to the start of the program. You may
also double-click on the Start.html file in the Macintosh Finder or Windows Explorer
to launch the CD.

Technical Support

Technical support for this product is available between 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Central
Standard Time, Monday through Friday.

Inside the United States, please call 1-800-692-9010.
Outside the United States, please call +1-314-872-8370.

You may also e-mail your questions to or fax them
to +1-314-997-5080.

Using the Interactive Case Study Companion

Upon entering the program you will see the Start page. From here you can click on
"Begin" to access the content, or you may click on "Instructions"- to access credits and
some troubleshooting information.

Choosing "Begin" will bring you to the main index page. The content is divided into
two categories: General Pathology and Systemic Pathology. Choose an entry from one
of these two categories. A list of linked cases for that entry will be displayed. Most
entries within the General Pathology category also contain a link to Introductory

Click on a link to access the desired content. Choosing a Case will bring up a listing of
all content from that case. All cases have three initial choices: Learning Objectives,
Resources and Scenario, followed by some number of radiographs, photomicrographs,
and gross specimen photographs pertaining to that case.

Choosing a link to one of these images will present you with the image, a list of key
features of the image and possibly one or more questions to consider involving the

Using your mouse to roll over the items in the bulleted list will place a purple bullet to
the left of the item and highlight the corresponding item on the image for easy

You may answer the question(s) in the answer box provided. When you are ready,
click the radio button to the left of the question and the authors' answer will appear in
the answer box for comparison.

Split rared archive (8 parts)
File size: (1 x 39 MiB) + (7 x 47 MiB)

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Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 4th Edition (Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews Series) By Richard A Harvey, Pamela C Champe, Richard Fi

  • Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
  • Number Of Pages: 560
  • Publication Date: 2008-07-01
  • ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0781771552
  • ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780781771559
  • Binding: Paperback

Product Description:
Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, Fourth Edition enables rapid review and assimilation of large amounts of complex information about the essentials of medical pharmacology. Clear, sequential pictures of mechanisms of action actually show students how drugs work, instead of just telling them. As in previous editions, the book features an outline format, over 500 full-color illustrations, cross-references to other volumes in the series, and over 125 review questions. Content has been thoroughly updated, and a new chapter covers toxicology. New to this edition will be a companion Website containing all of the illustrations, fully searchable text, and an interactive question bank. NOTE: International Edition available for sales outside North America and Caribbean (ISBN: 978-1-60547-200-3)
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The Goodman and Gilman Manual of Pharmacology and Therapeutics By Laurence Brunton, Donald Blumenthal, Iain Buxton, Keith Parker

* * * Publisher:* McGraw-Hill Professional
* * * Number Of Pages:* 642
* * * Publication Date:* 2007-09-28
* * * ISBN-10 / ASIN:* 0071443436
* * * ISBN-13 / EAN:* 9780071443432
* * * Binding:* Paperback

Product Description:

Put the authority of Goodman & Gilman's in the palm of your hand!

The Goodman & Gilman Manual of Pharmacology and Therapeutics offers the renowned content of Goodman & Gilman's Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Eleventh Edition, condensed into an ultra-handy, streamlined reference.

More than just a pocket drug guide, this indispensable resource offers:

* * * A carry-along source of essential fundamental information, with all the authority of Goodman & Gilman's Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Eleventh Edition
* * * The benefits of the world's leading pharmacology text in a convenient, portable format
* * * Comprehensive, yet streamlined and clinically relevant coverage of the pharmacological basis of therapeutics
* * * High-yield overview of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and the foundations of pharmacology
* * * Expert insights into the properties, mechanisms, and uses of all the major drug classes
* * * Considerations of vital patient-specific issues

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Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery By R. C. G. Russell, Norman S. William

Seventy years on from its first edition, Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery goes from strength to strength. This 24th edition is compiled by over 80 experts in their field, is well laid out and a pleasure to read. It is comprehensive and highly relevant, combining the basic principles of surgery with the latest developments. - January 2005 -- Surgeon's News Helpfully, each chapter includes learning objectives and key information boxes to add to the core text material. These features combined with a multitude of relevant colour photographs have resulted in a textbook that is pleasingly easy and enjoyable to read. As ever it will have a wide appeal to undergraduates, as a basic text for MCRS candidates through to those of us dipping in as a reference text. -- ENT News 20041001

Product Description

Baily and Love's Short Practice of Surgery is one of the world's preeminent medical textbooks. The new 24th edition introduces several innovations while retaining those essential features that are a hallmark of the "Bailey and Love" style. The text presents a comprehensive coverage of general surgery, with new key information boxes in addition to core material. Extensive 4-color illustrations reinforce clinical messages, and the book's famous aphorisms and biographies of prominent pioneers of surgery are entirely updated for this new edition. Features include: *An orthopedic section entirely updated with new 4-color halftones and line drawings * Learning objectives listed at the beginning of every chapter * All historical footnotes are entirely updated, plus there is additional new material of interest * More consistent use of pedagogic features plus additional information boxes and chapter summaries * Editors and contributing authors of international repute who are also recognized for their skills in teaching and communication * Chapters extent adjusted to reflect relative balance between surgical specialties

Product Details

  • Hardcover: 1536 pages
  • Publisher: A Hodder Arnold Publication; 24th edition (May 27, 2004)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0340808195
  • ISBN-13: 978-0340808191

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Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations By Thomas M. Devlin

  • Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
  • Number Of Pages: 1186
  • Publication Date: 1997-01-15
  • ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0471154512
  • ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780471154518
  • Binding: Hardcover

Product Description:

This book offers a comprehensive and current view of mammalian biochemistry. It includes unique "Clinical Correlations" -- examples of clinical manifestations of biochemical defects and extensive illustrations to provide a complete picture of all aspects of biochemistry.

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Interactive Biochemistry -CD ROM

part 1
Part 2
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Kumar & clark clinical medicine 6th edition

Product Description

Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine is a comprehensive and authoritative single-volume textbook of internal medicine that is consulted by students and doctors throughout the world. Its aim is to explain the management of disease, based on an understanding of scientific principles and including the latest developments in treatment. It is written for medical students and doctors preparing for specialist exams, and is an ideal general reference text for all practising doctors. The new edition is part of Elsevier's new STUDENT CONSULT electronic community. STUDENT CONSULT titles comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, questions and answers, online note-taking, and integration links to content in other disciplines - ideal for problem-based learning. * Colour-coded chapters are attractive and make the book easy to navigate * Comprehensive index, clearly displayed, pinpoints information rapidly * Boxes and tables pull out and display important information * Drawings and photographs bring the subject to life and explain difficult concepts * Carefully structured headings provide a useful outline for study and quick reference

Product Details

  • Paperback: 1528 pages
  • Publisher: Saunders Ltd.; 6 edition (October 7, 2005)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0702027634
  • ISBN-13: 978-0702027635

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Kaplan's Cardiac Anesthesia By Joel A. Kaplan, David L. Reich, Carol L. Lake, St

* * * Publisher:* Saunders
* * * Number Of Pages:* 1300
* * * Publication Date:* 2006-03-17
* * * ISBN-10 / ASIN:* 1416002537
* * * ISBN-13 / EAN:* 9781416002536
* * * Binding:* Hardcover

Product Description:

Dr. Kaplan and a multitude of other eminent specialists have completely updated and revised the 5th Edition of this definitive bible of cardiac anesthesia. They present detailed information on all the latest techniques, and offer the essential guidance readers need when administering anesthesia to cardiac surgery patients as well as cardiac patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery. Inside, readers will find 12 new chapters plus all other chapters extensively updated, three renowned new associate editors-Dr. David L. Reich, Dr. Carol L. Lake, and Dr. Steven N. Konstadt-and detailed discussions of the hottest topics.

* * * Features detailed coverage of cardiovascular and coronary physiology, and the latest advances in molecular biology and inflammatory response mechanisms.
* * * Offers the latest "know-how" on perioperative assessment and management, including state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques.

* * * Presents fresh perspectives from three new associate editors: Dr. David L. Reich, Dr. Carol L. Lake, and Dr. Steven N. Konstadt.
* * * Includes a new section on past, present, and future of cardiac anesthesia and surgery.
* * * Features 12 new chapters: Ch. 1Evolution of Cardiac Anesthesia and Surgery · Ch. 2 Milestones in Cardiac Surgery · Ch. 3 The Future of Cardiology · Ch. 4 The Future of Cardiac Surgery and Anesthesia · Ch. 16 Decision-Making and Perioperative Transesophageal Echocardiography · Ch. 21 Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery · Ch. 23 Thoracic Aortic Arch ·Ch. 30 Organ Protection During Cardiopulmonary Bypass · Ch. 32 Postoperative Cardiac Recovery and Outcomes · Ch. Ch. 37 Pain Management for the Postoperative Cardiac Patient · Ch. 40 Reducing Errors in Cardiac Anesthesiology · Ch. 41 Cardiac Anesthesia: Training, Qualifications, Teaching, and Learning.
* * * Provides new information on targeted gene therapy · pharmacology of anesthetic and cardiac drugs · transesophageal echocardiography · minimally invasive/robotic cardiac surgery · cardiac assist devices and artificial hearts · and many more cutting-edge topics

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Handbook of Therapeutic Antibodies

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Handbook of Therapeutic Antibodies

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