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Schwartz's Principles of Surgery, Ninth Edition (9780071547697): F. Brunicardi, Dana Andersen, Timothy Billiar, David Dunn, John Hunter, Jeffrey Matthews, Raphael E. Pollock

The #1 surgical practice and education resource -- completely updated and now in full-color!
Praise for the 8th Edition:

"This is an excellent textbook that conveys a complete view of surgery and accomplishes the goals set out by the authors very successfully."--Doody's Review Service
Written by the world's foremost practitioners and instructors, this landmark reference logically progresses from basic science principles, including topics such as cells, genomics, and molecular surgery, to clinical areas such as pancreas. From cover to cover, the book reflects a distinctly modern approach in the dissemination of surgical knowledge, providing up-to-date coverage of all key surgical areas, from trauma and transplantation, to neurosurgery. In each chapter, this content is supported by a skill-building format that includes boxed key points, detailed anatomical figures, diagnostic and management algorithms, an abundance of informative tables, and key references.
For every kind of procedure, this one-of-a-kind clinical companion helps you meet the sequential demands in the care of surgical patients, leading to the best possible outcomes.

  • Full color design for easier navigation
  • 2 new chapters: “Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Core Competencies,” examines the six areas designated as critical for general surgery resident training and “Ethics, Palliative Care, and Care at the End of Life,” offers an overview of biomedical ethics, and surveys specific issues in surgical and professional ethics, the general principles and considerations of palliative care, and care at the end of life
  • Greater focus on evidence-based medicine with highlighted references in each chapter and separate key reference list
  • Increased number of treatment and diagnostic algorithms
  • Key points in every chapter
  • International advisory board comprised of renowned surgeons contributes important regional feedback on content and curricula
  • Companion DVD of surgical video clips
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