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dental decks 2009-2010

consists of approximately 1,444 comprehensive flashcards.  The cards are organized into eleven sections and provide an in-depth review of the following topics:
  • Operative
  • Pharmacology
  • Prosthodontics
  • Patient Management
  • Pediatric Dentistry
  • Orthodontics
  • Periodontics
  • Endodontics
  • Oral Surgery / Pain Control
  • Oral Pathology
  • Radiology
Each card has an abbreviation located in the upper right corner. This abbreviation corresponds to the major topic discussed on each card. There is a legend card which is located at the front of each section that defines the abbreviations. This indexing system now provides students with an easy method of referring back to certain cards or topics as needed. 
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periodontics medicine surgery by Dr Bassam

F. Rose, Brian L. Mealey,Robert J. Genco,Walter Cohen
ISBN 0-8016-7978-8


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Fractures of the Upper Extremity

Addressing the region of the upper extremity, this practical reference features contributions from 17 specialists and supplies state-of-the-art descriptions of diverse fractures, treatment approaches and surgical options. It also includes a chapter on nonunions of the upper extremity.
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Handbook of Epilepsy (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Handbook Series)

Thoroughly updated for its Fourth Edition, this best-selling pocket reference is a practical point-of-care guide to the diagnosis and management of epilepsy. In an easy-to-use outline format, the book provides complete, clinically focused information on seizure classification, epilepsies with different ages of onset, situation-related epilepsy, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, and all available drug treatments, including dosages, side effects, and drug interactions.
This edition’s updated coverage of drug therapy includes current American Academy of Neurology guidelines, new drugs, newly approved indications, new information on pharmacokinetics, and results of six registries of antiepileptic drugs in pregnancy. New information on the genetics and molecular biology of several epilepsy syndromes is also included
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The Medical Student's Guide to the Plain Chest Film

This book is designed to provide the medical student a simple yet systemized approach to interpreting the plain chest radiograph. The book teaches the normal anatomy as well as a systematic approach that can (and should) be used to evaluate every chest film. Full-color volume-rendered computed tomography (CT) images are used to help the student understand the anatomy.
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Ocular Trauma: The Essentials

Ocular Trauma: Principles and Practice is the first comprehensive clinical reference on ocular injuries in more than a decade. Each chapter gives you detailed instructions on evaluation, treatment, and management, including “what to do”, “how to do it”, and “why to do it.” You’ll also learn techniques for developing individualized treatment strategies for hard-to-identify injuries.
The book begins with general terminology and classification of ocular trauma, and goes on to cover such topics as: the new role of endoscopy; eye restoration with complete iris loss; anterior chamber disorders; rehabilitation advances; medicolegal issues regarding the ophthalmologist as an expert witness; and much more! Insightful chapters written by patients offer their perspectives on the physical injuries and emotional trauma they have experienced.

This reader-friendly book is a valuable addition to the professional library of every ophthalmologist, retina specialist, resident, and emergency room physician who deals with trauma patients. No other resource gives you such an abundance of information on assessment, emergency intervention, management, and rehabilitation. Make sure you have the best, state-of-the-art information as you treat patients who have suffered an ocular injury.
Key features of OCULAR TRAUMA:
· A systemic approach to eye management on a “tissue by tissue” basis, instead of the traditional anterior/posterior approach
· Practical, easy-to-use format, featuring more than 350 illustrations (156 in full color), pearls, pitfalls, bullets, and special considerations-ideal for daily practice
· An international panel of expert authors offering up-to-date global perspectives on management of ocular trauma
· Draws on the largest epidemiologic and clinical data collection available, The United States Eye Injury Registry
· Offers an important discussion of medicolegal issues facing ophthalmologists called as expert witnesses
· Provides a comprehensive list of common abbreviations and frequently used terms
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The Cleveland Clinic Intensive Review of Internal Medicine

Now in its revised, updated Fifth Edition, The Cleveland Clinic Intensive Review of Internal Medicine offers thorough preparation for board certification and recertification exams in internal medicine. It is written by distinguished Cleveland Clinic faculty and serves as the syllabus for the Cleveland Clinic’s esteemed internal medicine board review course. Clinical vignettes and bulleted lists throughout the book highlight key clinical points. This edition also includes boxed “Points to Remember”. Board simulations appear at the end of each section. An updated mock board exam containing over 200 multiple-choice questions appears at the end of the book. A companion Website will offer an interactive question bank with 200 additional questions.
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Neurology Oral Boards Review: A Concise and Systematic Approach to Clinical Practice

A comprehensive yet concise review of relevant topics and examination strategies needed to pass the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) Part II (Oral) exam, complete with up-to-date, evidence-based guidelines on diagnosis and management in clinical neurology. The book follows the ABPN format, providing clinical case vignettes designed to allow the examinee to localize the plausible disease process, to indicate which investigations may help in establishing a diagnosis, to deduce treatment plans, and to make a prognosis, including patient and family counseling. The emergency cases test the ability to think critically when faced with a neurological emergency, putting a premium on resuscitation, patient safety, and rapid high-yield investigations. The general neurology cases reflect the breadth of disorders experienced in hospital and outpatient settings. The author’s suggested study regimen takes into account the difficulties of allotting time to prepare while in post-residency training or practice. Comprehensive and case-based, Neurology Oral Boards Review: A Concise and Systematic Approach to Clinical Practice provides a structured approach to clinical problem solving in neurology, as well as an effective and time-efficient method to master the factual material needed to successfully complete the Neurology Oral Boards.
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Illustrative Handbook of General Surgery (January 2010 Edition)

With the large number of surgical atlases in the market focusing on a variety of surgical procedures, it is almost impossible to find an area that is not comprehensively illustrated. However, almost all of these atlases are very large and serve to be ‘library reference’ books, which are commonly displayed in the office and utilized in that manner. There is no atlas which is easily transportable, yet one would imagine that every medical student and resident would potentially want a copy of such a title to carry on them at all times.
The book aims to cover all facets of general surgery and each chapter has five to ten photographs illustrating the basic anatomical context, as well as the various techniques specific to the operation. Each chapter author provides a brief narrative describing what is going on during the operation, and also outlines common pitfalls and personal suggestions.
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Differential Diagnosis Mnemonics

Memory aid to help the reader form comprehensive differential diagnoses for common internal medicine and neurology problems. Sometimes witty mnemonics allow the reader to organize diagnostic possibilities for a wide variety of clinical scenarios. Softcover. DNLM: Diagnosis, Differential–Terminology–English.
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OB GYN Mentor: Your Clerkship and Shelf Exam

This title features a bonus CD-ROM with 500 test questions, both fact-based and clinical scenarios; content based on ACOG’s guidelines; state-of-the art in diagnosis and treatment, including genetic testing and screening for specific recessive gene mutations; first trimester screening for Down Syndrome; HIV testing and treatment; newborn resuscitation drugs; postpartum depression and psychosis; and, an appendix of commonly used medications. Only book provided here in pdf format. CD not included in this free download.
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Dermatology in Clinical Practice

Dermatology is a discipline based around core diagnostic skills and innovative treatment and management protocols. Nevertheless, the clinical dermatologist is not the only physician that observes and treats conditions of the skin. Family medicine/primary care physicians, emergency room staff and other first-line medical personel all need to have a good grounding in recognizing and managing skin disease.
This book gives an insight into the common cutaneous disorders, discussing the treatment in detail, and giving a number of treatment options where required. More unusual diseases and syndromes are only mentioned where necessary. The first line physician’s needs are kept in mind while writing each chapter, e.g. the chapter on cutaneous signs of systemic disease is described in more detail in comparison to other short books on dermatology, because physicians in the front line of patient management regularly deal with a vast number of medical problems.
Primary care physicians tend to see patients from all over the globe and thus tropical skin diseases are described in detail. Infectious skin diseases can be perceived as an enigma in industrialized countries, especially for young doctors, and this book helps to demystify the diagnosis and management of these diseases.
The book is short, clear and easy to read, with an emphasis on practical relevant information. It has been designed expressly to assist primary care physicians, residents and fellows in dermatology, and emergency medicine and other first line medical personnel.
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Handbook of Dental Care: Diagnostic, Preventive and Restorative Services

This book focuses on new research in dentistry practices. Dentistry is the known evaluation, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases, disorders and conditions of the oral cavity, maxillofacial area and the adjacent and associated structures and their impact on the human body. Dentistry is widely considered necessary for complete oral health. It usually encompasses a number of very important practices related to the oral cavity. The most common being dental surgery on the teeth as a treatment for dental cavities. Oral and maxillofacial surgery is also a common surgery to correct a wide spectrum of diseases, injuries and defects in the head, neck, face, jaws and the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region. Many oral diseases and abnormalities can indicate systemic, neural, or other diseases. Research on these and other issues related to dental care are discussed in this book
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The Tip-Edge Orthodontic System

Written by an author with a worldwide reputation as one of the foremost proponents of the Tip-Edge System, this book is a comprehensive introduction to the use of the Tip-Edge orthodontic appliance. The author lectures throughout the US and the rest of the world.
* Provides a practical introduction to the use of the Tip-Edge technique.
* Written by a world leader in the clinical development of the Tip-Edge technique.
* Describes the three stages of treatment in detail with the help of line diagrams.
* Illustrates the scope of the technique with actual case histories that demonstrate the treatment of cases of greater difficulty that can be handled by conventional appliances.
* Includes superior color illustrations throughout.
* Outlines the technique for the complete beginner, but contains finer points of technique for the experienced user.
* Describes the technique from the viewpoint of someone using the straight wire appliance used by most orthodontists, and compares Tip-Edge with the straight wire appliance throughout. This makes the technique easier to understand for most readers who come from a straight wire background.
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Master Dentistry-Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Radiology, Pathology and Oral Medicine

A book in the Master Dentistry series, this superior review book combines core learning with self-assessment in an accessible, easy-to-use format. It offers an effective method for reviewing and studying the essential clinical knowledge dental students need to know for final exams.
There is no doubt that this book has a very broad coverage, and that, in itself, will be attractive to the student revising for exams. This textbook will not only be a valuable addition to dental school libraries, but at an affordable price will also find itself on many an undergraduate and postgraduate student’s bookshelf.
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Dictionary of Evidence-Based Medicine

A dictionary of commonly used terms in evidence-based medicine. It contains definitions, explanatory notes and references. This text is suitable for both pharmacist and doctors not familiar with statistical terms, and statisticians not familiar with pharmaceutical or clinical terminology.
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Studying a Study and Testing a Test: How to Read the Medical Evidence

n today’s rapidly changing world of clinical practice, old assumptions quickly fall under the weight of new evidence. But to make effective clinical decisions, you must face a deluge of data published in the health research literature.
With this best-selling text as your guide, you’ll discover a concise, stepwise program that will help you evaluate clinical studies, identify flaws in study design, interpret statistics, and apply evidence from clinical research to your practice.
Sharpen your analytical skills with these insightful features…
Step-by-step approach ideal for both students and practitioners guides you through the health research literature, showing you the ingredients that go into a meaningful study, clues to potential study flaws, and ways to apply solid evidence in clinical practice. Uniform framework uses a simple six-point framework based on the mnemonic M.A.A.R.I.E. You will learn to evaluate studies in terms of Methods, Assignment, Assessment, Results, Interpretation, and Extrapolation. Hypothetical illustrations demonstrate the limitations of today’s published studies. Unique learning aids—including question checklists, scenarios illustrating study design, and flaw-catching exercises—help you reinforce key facts and retain what you’ve learned.
NEW to the Fifth Edition…
New “Guide to the Guidelines” section helps you make sense of established and emerging clinical guidelines, and helps you understand the role of these guidelines in practice. Current information on outcomes includes discussions of safety and of the effects of interactions on outcomes. More graphic presentation of statistics helps make complex concepts easy to grasp and apply using a flowchart of statistics. Website is an integral feature of this edition providing interactive materials for all sections of the book. The Website provides practice using the M.A.A.R.I.E. framework, interactive flaw-catching and Selecting a Statistics exercises, self-testing questions-answers and exercises using abstracts from real articles. Courses and Journal Clubs can now use Studying a Study and Testing a Test with the help of a special section of the Website.
Clear the path to a new understanding of evidence-based medicine…and integrate today’s best evidence into tomorrow’s practice. Order your copy of Studying a Study and Testin
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Pediatric Urology: Surgical Complications and Management

This practical evidence-based textbook clearly addresses operative procedures and the prevention and management of common and rare complications encountered in pediatric urological practices.
In the current climate of informed consent and medicolegal aspects of any surgical intervention, it is essential to give patients and their carers all the information available. With world renowned editors and contributors offering their personal experiences, Pediatric Urology thoroughly explores this issue and also addresses essential topics including:
* principles of surgical audit
* general principles
* open surgery of the upper urinary tract
* surgery of the bladder
* endoscopic surgery of the urinary tract
* genitalia
* renal impairment surgery
* urogenital tumors
* trauma
* surgery for urinary incontinence
The book is uniquely written for trainees in pediatric surgery, general surgery and pediatric urology as a learning tool for learning consent and preparation for examinations. It is also invaluable for trainers in the above specialities as an accessible reference to complement their experience.
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MKSAP 15: Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program (Companion Book)

MKSAP 15 (Medical Knowledge Self-assesment program) 15 is the 2009 edition of this internal medicine re-certification program.
This is the companion book for the course which includes the main topics for the internist in:
- Cardiovascular
- Dermatology
- Endocrinology
- Gastroenterology
- General internal medicine
- Hematology and Oncology
- Infectious Disease
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Pulmonary and critical care medicine
- Rheumatology
This book is intended to match the audio companion and as a reference for the software with a self-assesment question database.
Definitely not to be missed by any internal medicine practicioner, resident, USMLE taker or general medicine student!.
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Hypertension- A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease

Clinical hypertension is one of the most serious long-term problems associated with heart disease. This companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease focuses in depth on this key area of cardiovascular medicine. Complete with practical clinical tools for management, it helps you manage the chronic problems of your hypertensive patients. It covers everything from epidemiology and pathophysiology through diagnosis, risk stratification, treatment, outcome studies, concomitant diseases, special populations and special situations, and future treatments.
*Addresses management of all special populations with chronic hypertensive disease.
*Includes Clinical Pearls for reducing complications of hypertension.
*Discusses hypertension and concomitant disease.
*Provides information on the practical management of hypertension and its role in complex diseases
*Emphasizes prevention of hypertensive diseases.
*Covers behavior management as an integral part of treatment plan for hypertensives and pre-hypertensives.
*Assesses drugs and other forms of treatment.
*Presents current clinical guidelines for the U.S., Canada, and Europe.
*Encourages aggressive patient management to ensure minimal risk of further cardiovascular problems.
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Leibel and Phillips Textbook of Radiation Oncology: Expert Consult - September 2010 Edition

Stay on top of the latest scientific and therapeutic advances with the new edition of Leibel and Phillips Textbook of Radiation Oncology. Dr. Theodore L. Phillips, in collaboration with two new authors, Drs. Richard Hoppe and Mack Roach, offers a multidisciplinary look at the presentation of uniform treatment philosophies for cancer patients emphasizing the “treat for cure” philosophy. You can also explore the implementation of new imaging techniques to locate and treat tumors, new molecularly targeted therapies, and new types of treatment delivery.
* Supplement your reading with online access to the complete contents of the book, a downloadable image library, and more at
* Gather step-by-step techniques for assessing and implementing radiotherapeutic options with this comprehensive, full-color, clinically oriented text.
* Review the basic principles behind the selection and application of radiation as a treatment modality, including radiobiology, radiation physics, immobilization and simulation, high dose rate, and more.
* Use new imaging techniques to anatomically locate tumors before and during treatment.
* Apply multidisciplinary treatments with advice from experts in medical, surgical, and radiation oncology.
* Explore new treatment options such as proton therapy, which can facilitate precise tumor-targeting and reduce damage to healthy tissue and organs.
* Stay on the edge of technology with new chapters on IGRT, DNA damage and repair, and molecularly targeted therapies.
Stay one step ahead with the latest techniques from the newest edition of Leibel’s
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Ophthalmology: Expert Consult Premium Edition: Enhanced Online Features and Print (Yanoff, Ophthalmology)

Based on valuable customer feedback, Doctors Yanoff and Duker have streamlined their best-selling reference, Ophthalmology, to zero in on just the clinical answers you need in day-to-day practice. They’ve removed most of the basic science and anatomy information from the printed book and put it on the companion web site where it is easily accessible along with the entire contents of the book. This new edition presents unparalleled guidance on nearly every ophthalmic condition and procedure and includes the latest advances in the field, such as optical coherence tomography (OCT), the ocular surface, new pharmacologic therapies, updated oculoplastic surgical techniques, the latest in refractive surgery, and so much more. And, as an Expert Consult title with enhanced online features, this meticulously updated 3rd edition comes with access to the complete contents online plus additional basic science information, fully searchable, surgical video clips, quarterly updates, and a downloadable image library for use in electronic presentations.
Discusses every aspect of ophthalmology for complete coverage in a single volume.
Uses 2250 full-color illustrations that depict a wide range of ophthalmic techniques and disorders.
Presents a more streamlined format to the printed text to help you focus on the clinically actionable information you need everyday.
Discusses hot topics such as OCT, the ocular surface, glaucoma testing, refractive surgery, advances in molecular biology and genetics, neuro-ophthalmology, oculoplastic surgical techniques, and retinal studies to keep you absolutely current.
Provides enhanced coverage of cataracts, including advances in phacoemulsification and surgical complications.
Helps you make optimal use of the newest drug therapies, including Anti-VEGF treatment for wet ARMD and bevacizumab treatment for complications of diabetes.
Offers authoritative guidance on the newest treatment options for cornea disorders, including evolving ocular surface reconstruction techniques and new cornea procedures such as DSEK.
Includes access to the complete contents online-with additional basic science information-fully searchable, surgical video clips, quarterly updates, and a downloadable image library for use in electronic presentations
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Learning Surgery: The Surgery Clerkship Manual

A symptom-based version of the critically-acclaimed Norton/Surgery: Basic Science and Clinical Evidence, Learning Surgery provides a ready reference to those in third and fourth year residencies. Essential algorithms and case presentations meet with clerkship learning objectives as outlined by the Association of Surgical Education in their ASE Manual. Two sections include Introduction to Clinical Surgery in the Surgical Clerkship Setting and Management of Surgical Diseases During the Clerkship. Chapters include: Stroke, Hypertension, Abdominal Masses, Head Injuries, and Burns. Written by leading clinicians and educators, both surgery residents and medical students will find LEARNING SURGERY indispensible in their rotations and clerkships. Surgeons who train residents will also find the text a valuable ajunct to their teaching.
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Surgical Pathology of the GI Tract, Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas: Expert Consult

This one-of-a-kind reference provides a comprehensive and practical guide to help you interpret endoscopic biopsies and resection specimens of all organs related to the digestive system. Plus, thanks to Expert Consult, you’ll be able to access the entire contents of this title online and download all images, from anywhere there’s an internet connection. The more than 2250 high quality illustrations, 30% more than in the first edition, help you recognize and diagnose any tissue sample under the microscope. Five new chapters, additional expert authors, expanded tables, and coverage of the current clinical approach to management and treatment options, particularly screening and surveillance recommendations for preneoplastic disorders, round out this unique reference.
Acts as a one-stop resource for the entire gastrointestinal system, liver, biliary tract, and pancreas.
Incorporates over 2250 high quality color illustrations so you can recognize and diagnose any tissue sample under the microscope.
Provides all the necessary tools to make a comprehensive diagnostic workup including data from ancillary techniques and molecular findings whenever appropriate.
Simplifies complex topics and streamlines decision-making using extensive tables, graphs, and flowcharts.
Helps you avoid diagnostic errors thanks to practical advice on pitfalls in differential diagnosis.
Uses a new “road map” at the beginning of each chapter, as well as a new, more clinical focus to help you navigate through the book more quickly.
Reflects the latest classification and staging systems available so you can provide the clinician with the most accurate and up-to-date diagnostic and prognostic indicators, including key molecular aspects of tumor pathology.
Includes access to the entire contents online, from anywhere there’s an internet connection.
Adds five new chapters including “Screening and Surveillance of the GI Tract”, “Congenital and Developmental Disorders of the GI Tract”, “Pediatric Enteropathies of the GI Tract”, “Vascular Disorders of the GI Tract”, and “Fatty Liver Disease”.
Expands appropriate chapters with new coverage of the normal histology of the GI tract, liver, biliary tract and pancreas.
Uses expanded tables to outline specific differential diagnostic points helpful for surgical pathologists.
Discusses the key molecular aspects of tumor progression and risk assessment in all chapters that cover neoplastic disorders.
Helps you evaluate diagnostically challenging cases using diagnostic algorithms.
Increases the number of high quality photographs by at least 30% to include even more normal and abnormal tissue samples.
Updates all chapters to include the latest references, concepts, data, and controversies.
Incorporates expanded coverage of the pancreas and liver, eliminating the need for a separate text.
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Neonatal Emergencies (Red & White Emergency Medicine)

A complete clinical reference on the management of neonates in emergency and acute care settings!
Neonatal Emergencies details the diagnostic procedures and clinical management strategies for the full spectrum of acute illness and emergencies seen in the neonatal period. The book is logically organized by anatomic region and enhanced by 100 full-color illustrations.
*An intense clincal focus–explores all the issues pertinent to formulating a successful strategy for effective clinical management in these challenging patients
*Specifically designed to meet the daily clinical needs of the emergency physician–features a convenient anatomically-based organization and content included for its hands-on value
100 full-color illustrations
*Expert authorship–written by twenty emergency physicians who manage these disorders on a daily basis
Authoritative, system-based coverage of the neonatal problems most often encountered in the emergency department, including:
*Head, Eye, Ear, and Neck
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Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine Download

Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine Download
The latest 20th Edition of Davidson’s Principles & Practice of Medicine won the award for a New Edition of an Edited Textbook at the Royal Society of Medicine and Society of Authors 2007 Medical Book Awards. The award citation described the book as “Beautifully constructed with superb clarity of style – Davidson’s continues to provide for students, doctors and other health professionals a sound basis for the practice of medicine.”
This internationally famous and best-selling textbook of general (or internal) medicine is renowned for providing a rational and easily understood basis for the practice of clinical medicine. Since it was first published this comprehensive text has met the requirements of several generations of medical students preparing for their examinations, while serving as a valuable reference for doctors in training. Rather than page after page of dense text, this reference makes finding information a snap by featuring lavish, colorful visual information. Extensive tables, crib boxes, MRI images, and x-ray films accompany each chapter’s succinct discussions. The book’s clear organization and color-coded chapters make it simple to find just the information you need, when you need it.
  • Readers have full online access to the whole book, along with 750 new self-testing questions whose answers are linked to the online text
  • Each system-based chapter begins with an overview of the key elements in the clinical examination
  • A practical, problem-based clinical approach is described in the ‘Presenting Problems’ sections, to complement the detailed descriptions of each disease
  • Over 150 evidence-based medicine boxes summarise the results of systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials in key therapeutic areas
  • ‘In Old Age’ boxes highlight important spects of medical practice in the older population
  • Covers ethics and communication skills as well as the role of complementary and alternative therapies in medicine.
  • Contains a new chapter on ‘Molecular and genetic mechanisms of disease’ which reviews the basics of genetics, molecular biology, and cellular biology.
  • Splits Infectious diseases chapter into four shorter and more focused chapters: “Principles of Infectious disease’” covering principles of infection, prevention and management; “Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine”; “HIV/AIDS”; and “Sexually transmitted diseases
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A Practical Manual of Diabetic Foot Care (Practical Manual of Series)

A practical clinical manual for the diagnosis, treatment – both medical and surgical – and the long-term care of foot problems in people with diabetes. The authors are world-renowned experts in this subject and they present the internationally recognised best practice.
The clinical chapters are presented in a structured, colour-coded format to allow easy reference. The text also includes highlighted best clinical practice tips. Each chapter is accompanied by high-quality, full-colour photographs that provide excellent examples of the earliest presenting signs as well as illustrating the step-by-step guidance on treatment. This book is an essential manual for every healthcare professional involved in the care of patients with diabetes.
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Evidence-Based Respiratory Medicine (Evidence-Based Medicine)

*First major evidence-based text in adult respiratory medicine
*Comprehensive, authoritative summary of the best treatments for the major respiratory diseases
*Compiled by specialists from the Cochrane Airways Management Group
*Easy-to-use format, with key clinical implications summarised in each chapter
*Kept up-to-date online
Compiled by specialists from the Cochrane Collaboration Airways Management Group, Evidence-based Respiratory Medicine is the first major evidence-based text in adult respiratory medicine.
Providing a comprehensive summary of the best treatments for the most important respiratory diseases, some of the world’s leading physicians review the evidence for a broad range of treatments using evidence-based principles. Essential information is presented in an easy-to-understand format, with the most important clinical implications summarised in each chapter.
Evidence-based Respiratory Medicine tackles the big clinical questions in diagnosis and treatment, presenting treatment options which take into account the individual patient’s needs.
Evidence-Based Series: Evidence-based Respiratory Medicine, part of the acclaimed series BMJ Evidence-based medicine textbooks that have revolutionised clinical medicine literature
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First Aid Q&A for the USMLE Step 1, Second Edition (First Aid USMLE)

The essential Q&A companion book to First Aid for the® USMLE Step 1
First Aid™ Q&A for the USMLE Step 1 features 1,000 board-style questions and answers, along with explanations for both correct and incorrect answers. The content is keyed to First Aid for the® USMLE Step 1, allowing you to study high-yield facts and Q&As simultaneously. All questions have been reviewed by students who just aced the exam.
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USMLE Road Map: Neuroscience (Usmle Road Map)

USMLE Road Map: Neuroscience presents a concise and focused examination of the essential concepts for students in Medical Neuroscience. The outline is enhanced with an extensive and original illustration program that visually conveys the essential information and promotes retention of the material. Features such as clinical correlations and clinical problems are also included. The book helps you be better prepared for the USMLE exam and aids you in programs where there is no traditional neuroscience course.
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Histology: A Text and Atlas

Univ. of Florida, Gainesville. Atlas has been completely revised and includes new color digital micrographs, cell and molecular biology information, and updated atlas section, text headings, boxes highlighting functional and clinical aspects, and more.
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Encyclopedia of Endocrine Diseases, Four-Volume Set: V1-4

The Encyclopedia of Endocrine Diseases is an authoritative reference developed by 16 international experts who recruited the world’s top scientists for contributions. This stellar reference work focuses on nearly 500 endocrine diseases addressing everything from acromeglay, diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, thyroid disease, Von Hippel-Lindau Disease, unexplained weight loss, to androgen related disorders. This encyclopedia is an essential addition to any library collection written to be accessible for both the clinical and non-clinical reader.
Associate Editors include: Eli Y. Adashi, John P. Bilezikian, George P. Chrousos, Junichi Fukata, Julianne Imperato-McGinley, Hiroo Imura, Antonio Liuzzi, Frank L. Moore, Daniel Porte, Jens F. Rehfeld, Ellis Samols, Gustav Schonfeld, Pierre C. Sizonenko, Wilmar M. Wiersinga.
Also available online via ScienceDirect – featuring extensive browsing, searching, and internal cross-referencing between articles in the work, plus dynamic linking to journal articles and abstract databases, making navigation flexible and easy. For more information, pricing options and availability visit
* Includes nearly 500 entries addressing all aspects of endocrine diseases
* More than 800 eminent researchers contributed from 25 different countries around the world
* More than 900 figures and 450 tables displayed
* Comprehensive glossary comprising 1500 definitions
* The Editor-in-Chief is former editor of the journal Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology and has contributed to over 40 books in the field of endocrinology

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Human Diseases and Conditions

Created by a team of doctors and health education experts based at the du Pont Hospital for Children, this user-friendly, accessible reference work presents the most accurate and up-to-date information available on diseases and conditions.
This handsomely produced and authoritatively written encyclopedia was published in association with the Center for Children’s Health at the Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, DE, Lengthier entries include sidebars consisting of bibliographies, See references, definitions of unusual words, suggested keywords for searching the Internet and print sources, and pronunciation guides…Children and teenagers are obviously the intended audience, though any adult would find this book valuable…Any school or public library that can afford Human Diseases and Conditions could not go wrong in purchasing it.
While there is a plethora of print and electronic sources available on medical topics, this set was written with young adults in mind. The entries cover a wide range of topics from acne to stress, breast cancer to tuberculosis…diseases and conditions that this age group is personally interested in or frequently assigned. Less common ailments such as Marfan syndrome, Chargas’ disease, and Ebola virus are also covered. The articles are easy to read; some, such as the one on diabetes, are quite lengthy; others briefly cover causes, symptoms, and treatment. Sidebars provide additional facts and definitions. Most entries mention at least one other resource, and many note several books and/or organizations. Lots of color photographs, illustrations, and diagrams enhance the text. A bibliography and a comprehensive index are found in the third volume. A good starting point for research papers and equally useful to answer quick questions.
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The Osler Medical Handbook

Written by experts at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, this brand-new 2nd Edition covers all of the essential topics encountered in daily practice. It concisely discusses all diseases and disorders in an easy-to-follow, standardized outline format. Each chapter includes sections on pearls and pitfalls, differential diagnoses, algorithms, and reviews of the most current literature. And, comparative pharmacology tables provide instant access to essential information.
· Uses a consistent format in every chapter that includes Fast Facts · Epidemiology · Clinical Presentation · Diagnostics · Management · Pearls & Pitfalls · and References.
· Presents a wealth of algorithms that aid in diagnosis and management.
· Integrates evidence-based medicine and rationales throughout, with conclusions based on current, key references which are cited at the end of each chapter.
· Discusses co-morbidities in each chapter as well as at-risk populations
· Offers a “Fast Facts” section that provides appendices on lab values · pregnancy and medical therapeutics · drug interactions · IV preparation and administration · drugs in renal failure · immunization therapies · infection control · and critical care formulas.
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Rook's Textbook of Dermatology - 2010 Edition

The late Arthur Rook established the Textbook of Dermatology as the most comprehensive work of reference available to the dermatologist. Covering all aspects of skin disease from basic science through pathology and epidemiology to clinical practice, the text is recognized for its unparalleled coverage of diagnosis.
Hailed by reviewers as “a thorough, modern masterpiece” and “the best textbook of dermatology in the world,” and trusted by dermatologists around the world for accurate and comprehensive coverage, this clinical classic is the definitive source of information for all dermatologists. The new edition of this venerable classic extends the standard of excellence to include:
*All-new coverage of cosmetic dermatology and sexually transmitted diseases
*More material on evidence-based dermatology
*Increased coverage of dermoscopy
*More emphasis on therapeutics throughout the set
*More contributions from a greater variety of international experts
*New page design with larger illustrations for more immediate recognition
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Roxburgh's Common Skin Diseases

Univ. of Miami, FL. Reference emphasizes the basic science, diagnostic procedures, and clinical management. Updated to include a new chapter on the application of basic science to the practice of dermatology. Includes more than 350 clinical photographs and explanatory color diagrams. For students and practicing clinicians.
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