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Surgery of the Breast: Principles and Art (Two Volume Set)

This heavily illustrated two-volume atlas is the most comprehensive “how-to” reference on surgery of the breast. The world’s leading surgeons describe and demonstrate the most advanced and successful techniques for all types of general surgery, aesthetic, and reconstructive procedures—oncologic management of breast disease, breast reconstruction, reduction mammoplasty and mastopexy, and augmentation mammoplasty. The text is illustrated throughout with over 4,100 drawings and full-color preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative photographs. Editorial comments at the end of each chapter provide an alternative perspective and address current controversies.
This thoroughly updated Third Edition features a greatly expanded section on augmentation mammoplasty. Other new chapters cover deep inferior epigastric perforator flap breast reconstruction, skin preserving delayed breast reconstruction, and nipple-sparing mastectomy. Coverage also includes new information on managing oncoplastic surgery, surveillance following breast reconstruction, reconstruction following tumor recurrence, and the role of stem cells.
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Smith’s Anesthesia for Infants and Children: Expert Consult Premium Edition (2011)


Anesthesia & Analgesia called the 7th edition “a modern classic” and noted that “each chapter is well written, clear, and concise.”
“This book is user friendly, well illustrated, and well written. There are quite a few books on this topic, and they struggle to maintain a balance between breadth and depth. This book manages that beautifully. It is a wonderful addition to the library of anyone who practices pediatric anesthesia, either occasionally or on a regular basis.”- Tariq M. Malik, MD, Doody’s Review –  5 Stars!

Product Description

Smith’s Anesthesia for Infants and Children, 8th Edition, edited by Drs. Peter J. Davis, Franklyn P. Cladis, and Etsuro K. Motoyama, delivers all the state-of-the-art guidance you need to provide optimal perioperative care for any type of pediatric surgery. Now in full color throughout, it also features online access to an image and video library, including ultrasound-guided pediatric regional blocks, review-style questions, plus the complete fully-searchable text at
  • Get expert guidance from leading experts covering both basic science and clinical practice for every aspect of pediatric anesthesia.
  • Incorporate the latest clinical guidelines and innovations in your practice.
  • Find key facts fast with quick-reference appendices: drug dosages, growth curves, normal values for pulmonary function tests, and a listing of common and uncommon syndromes.
  • Access the complete contents and illustrations online at – fully searchable!
  • Watch online video demonstrations of ultrasound-guided and conventional pediatric regional blocks, airway management, cardiac anesthesia, single-lung ventilation, neonatal surgery, and fetal surgery.
  • Gain new insight into today’s hottest topics, including sleep-disordered breathing, cuffed endotracheal tubes, premedication, emergence agitation, postoperative vomiting, and new airway devices.
  • Stay current with new chapters on ICU management, conjoined twins, and basic neonatal physiology, plus new coverage of pharmacology and monitoring techniques.
  • Get outstanding visual guidance with full-color illustrations throughout the book.
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Echocardiography Board Review: 400 Multiple Choice Questions With Discussion

Product Description

Obtaining an echocardiogram is a complex procedure with a need for constant enhancement and improvement of skills in the area for both ultrasound technician and physician. Owing to the increasing complexity of the echocardiogram and its interpretation, upon which patient care heavily relies, various professional bodies have been introducing competency exams.This unique book has been designed to assist new trainees as well as more experienced technicians and physicians in preparing for competency exams for certification purposes. It provides easy-to-use revision material in the form of multiple-choice questions with clearly explained answers.
  • Unique approach to echocardiography in a question and answer format; the questions are predominantly case studies
  • Features 400 questions with answers and explanations. The scope of the questions in the book is broad, including areas such as applied ultrasound physics, haemodynamics, valvular problems, ischaemic heart disease, congenital heart diseases, intraoperative or surgical echocardiography, pericardial diseases and cardiac masses.
  • Excellent for test preparation
  • Easy to read and understand
  • Complements standard textbook reading
  • Written by experienced academic echocardiographers involved in teaching echocardiography every day
  • Over 200 still images enhance the learning process

From the Back Cover

Obtaining an echocardiogram is a complex procedure, for which ultrasound technicians and physicians need to constantly enhance and improve their skills. This book supplements echocardiography textbooks by providing straightforward test preparation materials, specifically designed to help in preparing for Board Review exams.Structured in a question and answer format, with case studies throughout, the book promotes interactive learning and strengthens the reader’s understanding of the topic. Difficult concepts and important practical points are described in a straightforward manner.
The scope of the questions in the book is broad, including applied ultrasound physics, hemodynamics, valvular problems, ischemic heart disease, congenital heart diseases, intraoperative or surgical echocardiography, pericardial diseases and cardiac masses.
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Harrison’s Rheumatology, Second Edition

A Doody’s Core Title for 2011!
Featuring the chapters on rheumatology that appear in Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 17e, this compact clinical companion delivers the latest knowledge in the field, backed by the scientific rigor and reliability that have defined Harrison’s. Inside you’ll find coverage that reflects the expertise of renowned editors and contributors–presented in a carry-anywhere format that makes it ideal for the classroom, the wards, or exam/certification preparation.
  • Current, thorough coverage of need-to-know immunology and rheumatology topics, including the immune system in health and disease, disorders of immune-mediated injuries, and disorders of the joints and adjacent tissues
  • Integration of pathophysiology with clinical management topics in each of the disease-oriented topics
  • Helpful appendix of laboratory values of clinical importance
  • 60+ high-yield questions and answers drawn from Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine Self-Assessment and Board Review, 17e
  • Content and reference updates since the publication of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 17e
  • 23 chapters written by physicians who have made seminal contributions to the body of knowledge in their areas of expertise
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BNF for Children 2011-2012 (British National Formulary for Children)

 Provides essential practical information to all healthcare professionals involved in the prescribing, dispensing, monitoring and administration of medicines to children. Information in the BNFC has been validated against emerging evidence, best practice guidelines and advice from a network of clinical experts. The text is published under the authority of a Pediatric Formulary Committee.
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