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Textbook of Critical Care: Expert Consult Premium Edition (SHOEMAKER) – 6th edition

Textbook of Critical Care, by Drs. Jean-Louis Vincent, Edward Abraham, Frederick A. Moore, Patrick Kochanek, and Mitchell P. Fink, remains your best source on effective management of critically ill patients. This trusted reference – acclaimed for its success in bridging the gap between medical and surgical critical care – now features an even stronger focus on patient outcomes, equipping you with the proven, evidence-based guidance you need to successfully overcome a full range of practice challenges. Inside, you’ll find totally updated coverage of vital topics, such as coagulation and apoptosis in certain critical care illnesses, such as acute lung injury and adult respiratory distress syndrome; sepsis and other serious infectious diseases; specific organ dysfunction and failure; and many other vital topics. At you can access the complete contents of the book online, rapidly searchable, with regular updates plus new videos that demonstrate how to perform key critical care procedures. The result is an even more indispensible reference for every ICU.
Access the complete contents of the book online at, rapidly searchable, and stay current for years to come with regular online updates.
Practice with confidence by consulting with a “who’s who” of global experts on every facet of critical care medicine.
Implement today’s most promising, evidence-based care strategies with an enhanced focus on patient outcomes.
Effectively apply the latest techniques and approaches with totally updated coverage of the importance of coagulation and apoptosis in certain critical care illnesses, such as acute lung injury and adult respiratory distress syndrome; sepsis and other serious infectious diseases; specific organ dysfunction and failure; and many other vital topics.
See how to perform key critical care procedures by watching a wealth of new videos online.
Focus on the practical guidance you need with the aid of a new, more templated format in which basic science content has been integrated within clinical chapters, and all procedural content has been streamlined for online presentation and paired with videos.
The leading title in its field, the Textbook of Critical Care is now entirely focused on clinical care issues with brand-new topics and supplemental
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First Aid for the Neurology Boards (FIRST AID Specialty Boards) – 1st Edition (2010)

The Insider’s Guide to Acing the Neurology Boards– Written by Physicians Who Passed!

Apply the proven First Aid formula for Neurology Board success!

“This is a nice, concise review of high-yield neurology and psychiatry topics focused on preparing for neurology board examinations. It can easily be read or reviewed in a short period of time, and the tables and graphics are also helpful. 4 Stars.”–Doody’s Review Service
First Aid for the Neurology Boards is a unique guide for success on the Neurology Boards, in-training exams, and recertification. You will find hundreds of frequently-tested facts based on feedback from students who just passed the exam along with mini-cases essential for oral board preparation.The books is written by recent test-takers and reviewed by top faculty so you know you are studying the most up-to-date, relevant information possible.
Hundreds of high-yield facts, mnenomics, clinical images, and summary tables help you ace the boards and in-service exams
Covers must-know neurology AND psychiatry topics in one complete volume
Written by recent, successful test-takers and reviewed by faculty so you know you’re studying the most relevant, up-to-date material possible
Integrated mini-cases highlight frequently tested scenarios and classic patient presentations
Great for in-service and board exams and the perfect refresher before recertification
The Content You Need to Excel on the Boards:
Guide to the ABPN Examination, Neurology Topics: Neuroanatomy, Neuropharmacology, Neuroimmunology, Neurodegenerative Disorders, Headache and Pain, Neuro-oncology, Neuro-ophthalomology and Neuro-otology, Stroke and Neurocritical Care, Neurological Infections, Neuromuscular Disease, Pediatric Neurology and Neurogenetics, Seizures, Epilepsy, and Sleep Disorders, Psychiatry Topics: Substance Abuse and Dependence, Delirium, Anxiety Disorders, Somatoform Disorders, Bipolar Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Primary Psychotic Disorders.
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Emergency Medicine: Diagnosis and Management – 6th Edition

The sixth edition of this international bestselling emergency medicine handbook has been completely redesigned, revised and expanded to include the very latest evidence-based guidelines for interns, SHOs and junior doctors who are new to the emergency care setting.
The text follows a logical, standard, clear and well set out approach designed to maximize the practical delivery of care at the bedside.

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Thoracic Imaging: Case Review Series, 2nd Edition

Thoracic Imaging: Case Review, by Phillip M. Boiselle, MD, Theresa C. McLoud, MD and Gerald F. Abbott, MD, tests your ability to interpret a wide range of images seen in practice. The completely revised edition of this title in the popular Case Review series features all-new cases and superb-quality accompanying images that explore the newest imaging modalities, including new treatment guidelines for lung cancer, HIV/AIDS, and pneumonia. This complete study of thoracic imaging has been organized for quick reference and easy board and recertification review. Easily find and study the most challenging topics from among approximately 200 cases-organized by difficulty – and 400 images – with questions and answers, diagnoses, commentary, references, and cross-references to Thoracic Radiology: The Requisites.
Study effectively with content that mimics the format of official exams as well as the everyday clinical experience-offering highly effective preparation for certification, recertification, and practice.
Supplement your thoracic imaging board prep and get greater depth of information with easy cross-referencing to Thoracic Radiology – the companion volume in The Requisites series.
Clearly see and interpret 400 high-quality, state-of-the-art images representing a wide range of clinical situations encountered in thoracic imaging.
Get fresh perspectives from 200 updated or new cases reflecting the most recent changes in thoracic imaging, including PET-CT, emerging pulmonary infections, smoking-related lung diseases, Fleischner guidelines for management of incidentally detected lung nodules, and ground glass and part-solid lung nodules.
Spend less time searching and more time learning with easy-to-navigate chapters focused on visual identification and diagnosis, and reorganized by degree of case difficulty.
A top-selling volume of the popular Case Review series with new and improved images throughout is the perfect tool to prepare for the toughest
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Blood and Bone Marrow Pathology: Expert Consult

Already a standard reference work in the field, the new edition of Blood and Bone Marrow Pathology incorporates the latest WHO classification schemes and the latest ancillary diagnostic techniques in immunohistochemistry and molecular biology in order to provide a comprehensive, well balanced and authoritative guide to the interpretation and diagnosis of neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of blood and bone marrow. The text is lavishly illustrated with high quality colour images that demonstrate the relevant pathological,features and immunohistochemical and molecular markers. The text features a well-organized approach that incorporates practical tips and clues to help avoid pitfalls and to ensure optimal diagnosis
Chapters have been totally rewritten and some new chapters have been added especially on myeloid malignancies, in line with the WHO 2008 Classification
All chapters have been revised to include new aspects of molecular biology and updated concerning flow cytometry diagnostics
Greater emphasis on practical diagnostic aspects for all disorders
Brand new editorial and contributing author team.
Full Online text through Expert Consult. Full downloadable Image Bank
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Snells Clinical Anatomy by Richard Snell

Book Description

078174315X 978-0781743150 June 19, 2003 Seventh
With an already established reputation for user-friendliness, the Seventh Edition of Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students increases embryology coverage for programs that incorporate the subject into anatomy, or where a separate embryology text isn't necessary. Known for its clear and consistent organization and concise writing, this text focuses on presenting anatomical information that is clinically relevant. The book's unified structure includes the following components in each chapter: Outline, Objectives, Basic Anatomy, Radiographic Anatomy, Surface Anatomy, Clinical Notes, Clinical Problem-Solving, and National Board-Type Questions.
  • Paperback: 1012 pages
  • Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Seventh edition (June 19, 2003)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 078174315X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0781743150
  • Product Dimensions: 10.7 x 8.4 x 1.4 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 5 pounds

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Atlas of General Surgical Techniques: Expert Consult

Atlas of General Surgical Techniques covers the full spectrum and breadth of general surgery through nearly 1200 easy-to-follow anatomic drawings. Drs. Courtney M. Townsend, Jr. and B. Mark Evers present step-by-step guidance for common and complex procedures, including open and minimally invasive techniques. The highly consistent approach and oversized format allow for large educational illustrations with pearls and pitfalls at the end of each chapter. Comprehensive coverage includes hot topics such as Thyroidectomy, Parathyroidectomy, Hepaticojejunostomy, Choledochojejunostomy, Splenectomy,Hernia Repair, Exploration of Neck for Trauma, and Subclavian Artery Stab. You’ll have a complete array of surgical procedures at your fingertips-in print and online at!
2009 PROSE Awards (awarded by Association of American Publishers for professional and scholarly excellence)Finalist/Honorable Mention, Clinical Medicine
  • Includes access to the fully searchable text online at, along with downloadable images.
  • Features 1200 easy-to-follow, step-by-step anatomic drawings that clearly depict the full spectrum and breadth of surgical techniques-both open and minimally invasive.
  • Covers hot topics such as Thyroidectomy, Parathyroidectomy, Hepaticojejunostomy, Choledochojejunostomy, Splenectomy,Hernia Repair, Exploration of Neck for Trauma, and Subclavian Artery Stab.
  • Provides step-by-step instructions for each procedure in a highly consistent format that makes applying techniques easy.
  • Highlights pearls and pitfalls at the end of each chapter so you know what to expect before entering the operating room.
  • Presents the detailed guidance of authorities on what you need to know about common and challenging 
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Clinically Oriented Anatomy, Sixth Edition (Point (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins))

Clinically Oriented Anatomy, Sixth Edition provides first-year medical and allied health students with the clinically oriented anatomical information that they need in study and practice. This best-selling textbook is renowned for its comprehensive coverage of anatomy, presented as it relates to the practice of medicine, dentistry, and physical therapy. The Sixth Edition features a modified interior design with new and improved artwork that further enhances the user-friendliness of the text. The clinical Blue Boxes are now grouped to reduce interruption of text and are categorized with icons to promote easier comprehension of clinical information. The Bottom Line summaries have been refined to clearly call out key points for quick study. A companion Website offers the fully searchable text, interactive USMLE-style questions, and video animations. Online faculty resources include an Image Bank, Test Generator, and Course Outlines.
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Sauer’s Manual of Skin Diseases, 10th Edition

The best-selling dermatology manual for medical students, residents, and primary care practitioners, Sauer’s Manual of Skin Diseasesprovides step-by-step instructions and algorithms for diagnosis and treatment of all common skin conditions. Unique features include more than 700 full-color photographs; diagnostic algorithms based on site and type of lesion and age of patient; and a comprehensive dictionary-index of skin diseases. This thoroughly revised, updated Tenth Edition includes new chapters on sexually transmitted infections, non-melanoma skin cancer, vascular tumors, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, skin diseases in ethnic skin, obesity and dermatology, skin diseases in transplant patients, and nutritional and metabolic diseases and the skin.A companion website will include the fully searchable text and an image bank.
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BRS Cell Biology & Histology, 6th Edition

BRS Cell Biology and Histology is an outline-format review for USMLE and course exams, with abundant electron micrographs and conceptual line drawings, high-yield Clinical Considerations boxes, review questions at the end of each chapter, and a comprehensive USMLE-format examination at the end of the book. This Sixth Edition features 60 new full-color photomicrographs and a new full-color design with colorized line drawings. Content and questions have been updated, new Clinical Considerations have been added, and Clinical Considerations have been better integrated into the content.
A companion website will offer the fully searchable text and an interactive question bank.
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Case Files: Pharmacology (Lange Case Files)

Real Life Clinical Cases for the Basic Sciences and USMLE Step 1
You need exposure to clinical cases to pass course exams and ace the USMLE Step 1. Case Files: Pharmacology presents 53 real-life clinical cases that illustrate essential concepts in pharmacology. Each case includes an easy-to-understand discussion correlated to key basic science concepts, definitions of key terms, pharmacology pearls, and USMLE-style review questions. With this interactive system, you’ll learn instead of memorize.
This second edition gives you:
  • 53 clinical cases, each with USMLE-style questions
  • Clinical pearls that highlight key concepts
  • Primer on how to approach clinical problems
  • Proven learning system that improves your shelf exam scores Here’s what students have to say:
    “The Case Files books have continued to help me in preparation for my case-based exames tremendously! I can honestly sasy they played a major role in my success this year and are becoming a great resource in the beginning of my board preparation.”–Joshua Lynch, Class of 2008, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
    Case Files: Pharmacology focuses on rapid understanding of the whys and hows of drug use and prescription. This format allows for development of a knowledge base that will last long past the boards. Every medical student should use this book.”–Suzanne Crandall, Class of 2005, Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine\
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Congestive Heart Failure

Written by recognized leaders in the field, Congestive Heart Failure, Third Edition is a comprehensive, state-of-the-art reference on all basic and clinical aspects of heart failure. Coverage includes an entire section on pharmacologic therapy and a twenty-chapter section on clinical approaches to acute and chronic heart failure.
This edition has new chapters on impact and treatment of comorbidities, prevention of sudden cardiac death, rationale for use of anticoagulants, ultrafiltration, use of mechanical devices, and gene and cell therapy. Readers will find up-to-date information on genetics, surgical therapies, ventricular synchronization, defibrillator therapy, mechanical approaches to atrial fibrillation, left ventricular assist devices, ventricular support and ventricular remodeling surgery, and myocardial regeneration/cell transplantation.
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Textbook of Interventional Cardiology

Completely refocused and reorganized, the new Edition of this respected resource offers you comprehensive, detailed, up-to-date, and clinically oriented coverage on all aspects of interventional cardiology. Edited by the world’s most prominent specialist and researcher and contributed by more than 75 leaders in the field, this 5th edition brings you practical, evidence-based guidance on treating a full range of coronary lesions. They discuss the very latest techniques, devices, and adjunctive therapies and provide critical appraisals of emerging therapeutic approaches. The new edition is now in full-color and features a DVD of video clips demonstrating coronary intervention procedures, three new sections, and a plethora of new chapters that address the hottest topics today.
  • Includes new sections on Patient Selection, Big Artery Vascular Interventions, and Evaluation of Interventional Techniques to help you make better informed decisions.
  • Features new chapters on Transradial Intervention, Late Thrombosis, Biodegradable Stents, Support Devices for High-Risk PCI: IABP, CPS, LVAD, Imaging with Intracardiac Intervention (TEE and ICE), Patient Foramen Ovale and Atrial Septal Defect, Left Atrial Appendage Closure, and Regulatory Issues to keep you up to date.
  • Presents an expanded international authorship and 50% new contributors, bringing you fresh, new perspectives.
  • Increases the clinical focus and incorporates numerous treatment algorithms for better patient care.
  • Uses full-color throughout for the first time, providing you with exceptional visual guidance.
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Valvular Heart Disease: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease: Expert Consult

Valvular Heart Disease is now an even better source for all your questions on dysfunctions or abnormalities of the heart’s four valves. In the third edition, Catherine Otto is joined by Robert Bonow and a team of expert contributors to bring you the latest developments in imaging and treatment. The full-color images and illustrations reflect the cutting-edge imaging and diagnostic modalities-Doppler echo and MR-that are so important for diagnosing aortic valve defects. Superb diagrams, an increased focus on imaging and case-based presentation, and new chapters-on Cardiac MR and CT imaging for valvular heart disease; Genetic, molecular and cellular mechanisms of valvular disease; Bicuspid aortic valve disease; and Ischemic mitral regurgitation-further enhance this valuable reference. And, the full text is available online at where you can search the entire contents.
  • Presents comprehensive coverage of valvular heart disease to provide you with a complete reference and one-stop shop for this specialty in cardiac medicine.
  • Provides complete guidance on how and why to surgically treat valve patients for a reliable manual on managing difficult cases.
  • Features chapters on pediatric and pregnant patients so you know what considerations to take into account when treating these special populations.
  • Provides access to the fully searchable text online at
  • Introduces Robert Bonow as an editor, who joins Catherine Otto and the team of expert authors to provide you with guidance from leaders in the field.
  • Features new chapters-Genetic, molecular and cellular mechanisms of valvular disease; Bicuspid aortic valve disease; and Ischemic mitral regurgitation-for the latest in cutting-edge research and clinical data.
  • Reflects the latest in imaging modalities in the new section on cardiac MR and CT imaging for valvular heart disease to provide you with a full understand of the tools for the most accurate diagnosis.
  • Presents detailed illustrations and images in full color to better showcase valve anatomy and dysfunction, as well as important techniques and surgical procedures.
  • Includes a summary of the new ACC/AHA valvular heart disease guidelines in each chapter to keep you up to date on the latest best practices throughout the field.
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Colposcopy: Principles and Practice

The new edition of this popular, richly illustrated textbook and atlas features a top-notch, diverse editorial team who offer you the most current information and reliable guidance on all aspects of colposcopy. They present unparalleled coverage on the full range of topics, from basic science to clinical colposcopy to the latest information on anal disease and HPV infections in adolescents. More than 800 full-color, high-quality colpophotographs highlight all the variations seen in colposcopic practice and accompanying brief highlighted text further explains every concept. The book’s unique organization emphasizes the correlation among cytology, colposcopy, and histology to help you make the most accurate diagnosis, and a DVD containing videos clips of colposcopic procedures and supplies guide you through every procedure.
  • Encompasses the expertise of first-class investigators and clinicians from a variety of disciplines, including family practice, obstetrics, pathology, and gynecology providing you with a wide range of options and perspectives.
  • Presents side-by-side illustrations of colposcopy, cytology, and histology, making correlations easy to see and understand.
  • Features relevant discussions and descriptive graphics to explore low and high-grade CIN and cancer and glandular lesions.
  • Includes a list of key points at the end of each chapter that summarize essential information.
  • Outlines all aspects of patient management, using practical, evidence-based algorithms for at-a-glance review.
  • Features more than 50% new or replaced illustrations, providing higher-quality visual guidance.
  • Presents best-evidence for the latest therapeutic guidelines and treatment options, so you can make better informed decisions.
  • Provides new chapters on anal disease and HPV infections in adolescents to keep you on the cusp of the latest techniques and practices.
  • Discusses the pitfalls and tricks of the trade of colposcopy to help you avoid complications.
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Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics: Expert Consult Premium 19th Edition (2011)

Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics has been the world’s most trusted pediatrics resource for nearly 75 years. Drs. Robert Kliegman, Bonita Stanton, Richard Behrman, and two new editors-Drs. Joseph St. Geme and Nina Schor-continue to provide the most authoritative coverage of the best approaches to care. This streamlined new edition covers the latest on genetics, neurology, infectious disease, melamine poisoning, sexual identity and adolescent homosexuality, psychosis associated with epilepsy, and more. Best of all, the expanded online access at features the regularly updated text, case studies, new references and journal articles, Clinics articles, and exclusive web-only content so that you get even more out of this invaluable reference.
  • Understand the principles of therapy and which drugs and dosages to prescribe for every disease.
  • Locate key content easily and identify clinical conditions quickly thanks to a full-color design and full-color photographs.
  • Access the fully searchable and regularly updated text online at, along with abundant case studies, new references and journal articles, Clinics articles, and exclusive web-only content.
  • Stay current on recent developments and hot topics such as melamine poisoning, long-term mechanical ventilation in the acutely ill child, sexual identity and adolescent homosexuality, age-specific behavior disturbances, and psychosis associated with epilepsy.
  • Tap into substantially enhanced content with world-leading clinical and research expertise from two new editors-Joseph St. Geme, III, MD and Nina Schor, MD-who contribute on the key subspecialties, including pediatric infectious disease and pediatric neurology.
  • Manage the transition to adult healthcare for children with chronic diseases through discussions of the overall health needs of patients with congenital heart defects, diabetes, and cystic fibrosis.
  • Recognize, diagnose, and manage genetic conditions more effectively using an expanded section that covers these diseases, disorders, and syndromes extensively.
  • Find information on chronic and common dermatologic problems more easily with a more intuitive reorganization of the section.
Nelson’s Textbook of Pediatrics continues to provide THE BEST pediatric information with expanded premium multimedia features, extensively revised content, and two new editors.
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Color Atlas of Anatomy: A Photographic Study of the Human Body (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) – Seventh, North American Edition (2010)

This Color Atlas of Anatomy features full-color photographs of actual cadaver dissections, with accompanying schematic drawings and diagnostic images. The photographs depict anatomic structures with a realism unmatched by illustrations in traditional atlases and show students specimens as they will appear in the dissection lab.
Chapters are organized by region in order of standard dissection, with structures presented both in a systemic manner, from deep to surface, and in a regional manner.
This edition has additional clinical imaging, including MRIs, CTs, and endoscopic techniques. New graphics include clinically relevant nerve and vessel varieties and antagonistic muscle functions. Many older images have been replaced with new, high-resolution images. Black-and-white dissection photographs have been replaced with color photography.\
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Operative Surgery Vivas for the MRCS


‘This publication,. written by recent graduates of the MRCS system, is broad, concise and well-structured. … This book should be used as a source of questions to assess the candidate’s readiness for the exam’ British Journal of Surgery

Book Description

Comprehensive study manual for the MRCS viva exam covering all six sections. Each operative procedure is discussed through basic principles, applied anatomy, indications and complications. Frequently asked questions and practical tips are also included. Excellent source of information for use during personal study and self-testing, and as a teaching aid.
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Atlas of Internal Medicine

The most thorough, up-to-date visual coverage of all the major fields in internal medicine.
At your fingertips…in one complete reference.
* Over 1,500 “best of the best” images
* New coverage
* New treatments
* New illustrations throughout
The leading visual resource in internal medicine!
“This volume encompasses all the major fields of internal medicine…It is a unique compilation of over 1,500 images, selected as the ‘best of the best’ from the work of the highly respected colleagues who have joined me in the preparation of this volume.
There are three principal approaches to learning medicine and keeping abreast of new developments: the printed word, in the form of textbooks and journals; the spoken word, in the form of lectures and audiotapes; and the picture, in the form of atlases, slides, and video and computer images. Each approach has its place in the educational armamentarium, and each lends itself to imparting certain facts, ideas, and concepts best. Many aspects of internal medicine require the visual approach. How better to describe a rash, a management algorithm, an echocardiogram, or the appearance of a duodenal ulcer? In the present healthcare milieu, a solid foundation in internal medicine has assumed greater significance as the role of the primary care physician has expanded. The Atlas of Internal Medicine is well-suited as a resource in this expanded role of health maintenance advisor and provider of many services that in the past were often carried out in a hospital or in the care of a specialist. This volume encompasses all the major fields of internal medicine, including cardiology, pulmonary and critical care medicine, gastroenterology, hematology, oncology, dermatology, hepatology, rheumatology, nephrology, neurology, allergy and immunology, endocrinology, and infectious diseases. It is a unique compilation of over 1500 images, selected as the “best of the best” from the work of the highly respected colleagues who have joined me in the preparation of this volume. The content of each chapter has been carefully selected to be of interest to the primary care physician in identifying both common and rare disease entities. The color photographs provide visual confirmation of disease, whereas the algorithms, charts, schematics, and tables guide the physician in the decision-making process concerning diagnostic tests, treatment, and follow-up management. Each illustration is accompanied by explanatory text. I trust that the Atlas of Internal Medicine will be useful to the broad array of physicians who wish to remain current in internal medicine and have at their fingertips the most up-to-date reference available
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