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Katzung & Trevor's Pharmacology Examination and Board Review

Katzung & Trevor's Pharmacology Examination and Board Review, Ninth Edition

Book Description

0071701559 978-0071701556 June 22, 2010 9
The most trusted and efficient pharmacology review – complete with 1000+ Q&As -- and now in full color
"The authors have designed this book to foster the mastery of pharmacology for students who have to pass course, module, or certification examinations....This is one of the best review books in pharmacology. The latest version is far superior, both in content and presentation, to previous versions. I give it my highest recommendation."--Doody's Review Service
From the authors of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, the leading pharmacology textbook, here is the newest edition of the best review book available for medical pharmacology course exams and board examinations. This skill-building guide comes with over 1000 review questions and answers –- far more than most other pharmacology reviews –- and a chapter-based approach that facilitates use with course notes or larger texts.

  • A new full-color presentation
  • Organized to reflect course syllabi, focusing on the clinical use and pharmacology of drug categories, rather than individual drugs
  • Two complete practice exams
  • A valuable appendix of test-taking strategies
  • Chapters that include valuable learning aids such as:
    --Short discussion of the major concepts that underlie basic principles or drug groups
    --Explanatory figures and tables
    --Review questions followed by answers and explanations
    --Drug Trees in drug-oriented chapters that visually organize drug groups
    --A list of high-yield terms and definitions you need to know
  • Skill Keeper questions that prompt you to review previous material to understand links between related topics
  • A checklist of tasks you should be able to do, once you have finished the chapter
  • Summary Tables that list the important drugs and include key information about their mechanisms of action, effects, clinical uses, pharmacokinetics, drug interactions, and toxicities
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Dental Decks Part II and I

Dental Decks Part II and I
The cards are organized into eleven sections and provide an in-depth review of the following topics:
  • Operative
  • Pharmacology
  • Prosthodontics
  • Patient Management
  • Pediatric Dentistry
  • Orthodontics
  • Periodontics
  • Endodontics
  • Oral Surgery / Pain Control
  • Oral Pathology
  • Radiology
Each card has an abbreviation located in the upper right corner. This abbreviation corresponds to the major topic discussed on each card. There is a legend card which is located at the front of each section that defines the abbreviations. This indexing system now provides students with an easy method of referring back to certain cards or topics as needed.

Part I (2006)
Part II (2008)
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Wheater's Functional Histology

Wheater's Functional Histology

Book Description

044306850X 978-0443068508 March 14, 2006 5
This best-selling atlas contains over 900 images and illustrations to help you learn and review the microstructure of human tissues. The book starts with a section on general cell structure and replication. Basic tissue types are covered in the following section, and the third section presents the microstructures of each of the major body systems. The highest -quality color light micrographs and electron micrograph images are accompanied by concise text and captions which explain the appearance, function, and clinical significance of each image. The accompanying website lets you view all the images from the atlas with a "virtual microscope", allowing you to view the image at a variety of pre-set magnifications.
  • Includes access to website containing book images and additional material, extra illustrations, self tests, and more.
  • Utilizes "virtual microscope" function on the website, allowing you to see images first in low-powered and then in high powered magnification.
Part 1
Part 2
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A Text and Atlas With Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology By Ross

 A Text and Atlas With Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology By Ross

Book Description

0781772214 978-0781772211 July 18, 2006 5th
Now it its Fifth Edition, this best-selling text and atlas is the perfect text for medical, health professions, and undergraduate biology students. It combines a detailed textbook that emphasizes clinical and functional correlates of histology with a beautifully illustrated atlas featuring full-color digital micrographs of the highest quality.
This edition includes over 100 new illustrations, more Clinical Correlation boxes on the histology of common medical conditions, and new information on the molecular biology of endothelial cell function. Terminology throughout the text is consistent with Terminologia Anatomica.
A powerful interactive histology atlas CD-ROM for students is included with the book and features all of the plates found in the text with interactive functionality.
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The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 8th Edition

The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 8th Edition

Book Description

1416037063 978-1416037064 September 5, 2007 8th
This popular text makes it surprisingly easy to gain an in-depth understanding of human embryology. Engaging and richly illustrated, it examines all aspects of human development, emphasizing both basic concepts and relevant clinical problems. The book presents a week-by-week and stage-by-stage view of how fetal organs and systems develop, why and when birth defects occur, and what roles the placenta and fetal membranes play in development. The comprehensively updated 8th edition comes with access to the complete contents online via Student Consult, plus 18 phenomenal embryology animations, additional review questions and answers, and more.
  • Editor Keith L. Moore, BA, MSc, PhD, FIAC, FRSM is the recipient of the first (2007) "Henry Gray/Elsevier Distinguished Educator Award"-the American Association of Anatomists' highest award for excellence in human anatomy education at the medical/dental, graduate, and undergraduate level of teaching-a testament to his masterful teaching abilities, which help make this book such an effective tool for learning the complex subject of human embryology.
  • Comprehensive, richly illustrated, and clinically oriented coverage equips you with a detailed grasp of human embryology.
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Langman's Medical Embryology

 Langman's Medical Embryology

Book Description

0781790697 978-0781790697 January 30, 2009 Eleventh, North American Edition
Widely acclaimed for its clinical relevance and clear writing style, Langman's Medical Embryology provides a user-friendly and innovative approach to learning embryology. The revised eleventh edition presents medical and health professions students with a concise yet thorough description of embryology and its clinical significance, an awareness of which is essential in the diagnosis, and prevention of birth defects. It features outstanding full-color clinical images and photographs, end-of-chapter Summaries, Problems to Solve, and Clinical Correlates boxes.
A companion Website includes fully searchable text, interactive review questions and problems, updated Simbryo animations of embryologic system development, and PowerPoint slides for instructors.
10th Edition
11th Edition
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Basic Concepts in Biochemistry: A Student's Survival Guide

 Basic Concepts in Biochemistry: A Student's Survival Guide

Book Description

0071356576 978-0071356572 November 16, 1999 2
This second edition continues to innovatively review the toughest concepts in biochemistry for maximum comprehension in a short period of time. Unlike conventional texts or review books that stress memorizing facts, BASIC CONCEPTS stresses the mastering of fundamental concepts, so that the reader truly comprehends the material and feels comfortable applying it. Dr. Gilbert uses simple, jargon-free language and award-winning teaching techniques including algorithms, mnemonics and clinical examples.
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Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry, 28th Edition


Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry, 28th EditionBook Description

0071625917 978-0071625913 June 2, 2009 28
The biochemistry text that every medical student must own--now in full color!
A Doody's Core Title ESSENTIAL PURCHASE for 2011!
Comprehensive, concise, and up-to-date, Harper's is unrivaled in its ability to clarify the link between biochemistry and the molecular basis of health and disease.
The Twenty-Eighth Edition has undergone sweeping changes -- including a conversion to full-color artwork and the substantial revision and updating of every chapter -- all to reflect the latest advances in knowledge and technology and to make the text as up-to-date and clinically relevant as possible. Combining outstanding full-color illustrations with integrated coverage of biochemical diseases and clinical information, Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry offers an organization and clarity not found in any other text on the subject.
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First Aid Q&A for the NBDE Part I

Book Description

007150866X 978-0071508667 November 13, 2008 1
Hundreds and hundreds of questions and answers to help you ace the NBDE Part I!
No other resource gives you the practice questions you need to prepare for the NBDE Part I like First Aid Q&A for the NBDE Part I. The 800 questions focus on what you most need to know in order to pass the exam and include detailed explanations for each answer choice.
  • 800 NBDE Part I-style questions, including one complete practice test
  • Written for students by students who aced the exam and reviewed by top dental school faculty and practitioners
  • Detailed explanations of both correct and incorrect answers
  • Table of Contents mirrors First Aid for the NBDE Part I - allowing you to self-test by chapter during exam prep and coursework
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Clinical Anesthesiology, 4th Edition by G. Morgan

Clinical Anesthesiology, 4th Edition by G. Morgan , Maged Mikhail, Michael Murray

Book Description

0071423583 978-0071423588 August 26, 2005 4
Clinical Anesthesiology integrates succinct coverage of basic principles and clinical considerations in the anesthetic management of patients. It features up-to-date discussion of all relevant areas within anesthesiology, including equipment, pharmacology, regional anesthesia, pathophysiology, pain management, anesthetic management, and critical care. Extensive use of case discussions, figures, and tables in each chapter promotes application of the concepts to practice.


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Medical Physiology The Big Picture (Lang Series) By Jonathan Kibble , Colby Halsey

Medical Physiology The Big Picture (Lang Series) By Jonathan Kibble , Colby Halsey 

Book Description

0071485678 978-0071485678 January 20, 2009 1
Get the BIG PICTURE of Medical Physiology -- and focus on what you really need to know to ace the course and board exams!

4-Star Doody's Review!
"This excellent, no-frills approach to physiology concepts is designed to help medical students and other health professions students review the basic concepts associated with physiology for the medical profession. The information is concise, accurate and timely."
If you don't have unlimited study time Medical Physiology: The Big Picture is exactly what you need! With an emphasis on what you “need to know” versus “what's nice to know,” and enhanced with 450 full-color illustrations, it offers a focused, streamlined overview of medical physiology. You'll find a succinct, user-friendly presentation designed to make even the most complex concepts understandable in a short amount of time.
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BRS Physiology By Linda S. Costanzo

BRS Physiology By Linda S. Costanzo

Book Description

0781798760 978-0781798761 July 30, 2010 Fifth, North American Edition
Written by highly regarded physiology professor Linda S. Costanzo, this revised Fifth Edition provides an excellent physiology review for students preparing for the USMLE Step 1. The book concisely covers key physiology principles and includes clinical correlations to emphasize connections between physiology and clinical medicine.

  • NEW! Full-color design, flow charts, illustrations, and tables that summarize information for convenient review
  • Each chapter is written in the popular Board Review Series (BRS) outline format and features bolded key terms to streamline your study
  • Over 350 USMLE-style questions, answers, and rationales both electronically and in print reinforce your physiology review
  • A FREE companion website offers an online E-book and an interactive question bank with all the questions from the book so you can customize your review tests!
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Human Physiology From Cells to Systems By Lauralee Sherwood

 Human Physiology From Cells to Systems By Lauralee Sherwood

Book Description

0534395015 978-0534395018 June 2, 2003 5
Lauralee Sherwood's HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY is a market favorite, and in this new edition, technology takes the spotlight! For students, a complimentary text-correlated CD-ROM, PhysioEdge, accompanies each copy of the book. Users will find text icons to mark animated figures on the CD. PhysioEdge focuses on the most difficult concepts -- including Membrane Transport and Acid Base Balance. With a strong diagnostic component, students receive immediate feedback on their answers to quiz questions. PhysioEdge is a smart program too! As a student improves, the question difficulty increases accordingly. For instructors, the enhanced multimedia manager offers powerful PowerPoint slides for all the illustrations and figures from the text, plus several animations. A unique segmentation feature allows users to enlarge figure portions to show more detail and they can be drawn on to highlight ideas. InfoTrac is also available and it is complimentary! This rich database offers users access to hundreds of top periodicals like Physiological Reviews, Science, and Nature. The technology package is rounded out by CNN Today Videos, which are also available on CD. Sherwood has worked hard to make the hallmark features of this title up-to-date, accurate and easy to use. Much of the anatomical and cellular art has been re-rendered. This new, three-dimensional art was conceived to support the great pedagogy instructors have come to expect. Accuracy has been maintained in a presentation that is clear, process-oriented and easy for students to understand. The central text theme of homeostasis has been retained by overwhelming reviewer demand. In support of this theme, Sherwood begins each chapter by showing how the system covered in that chapter supports homeostasis.

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Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, 21st Edition

Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, 21st Edition

Product Description

The field's most complete, up-to-date , and engagingly-written text on medical physiology -- now in full color
A Doody's Core Title ESSENTIAL PURCHASE for 2011!
"This 23rd edition is an excellent source of the current knowledge in physiology. Significant pedagogical advances have been made while preserving the integrity of Dr. Ganong's work....They have done an excellent job of updating this classic, and the tradition continues. So many students in the future will be able to use this book to enhance their knowledge."--Doody's Review Service
For more than four decades, Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology has been the leader in helping medical students and clinicians understand the fascinating subject of human and mammalian physiology. Concisely covering every important topic without sacrificing depth or readability, Ganong's delivers more detailed, clinically-relevant, high-yield information per page than any similar text or review.
Thoroughly updated to reflect the latest research and developments in important areas such as the cellular basis of neurophysiology, Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology incorporates examples from clinical medicine throughout the chapters to illustrate important physiologic concepts. Whether you're a student who needs an outstanding review for the USMLE or a physician who wants to keep pace with the ever-changing field of medical physiology, there's no better place to turn than Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology.
Here's why this is the best edition of Ganong's ever:

  • NEW full-color illustrations -- the authors have worked with an outstanding team of medical illustrators, photographers, educators, and students to give you an unmatched collection of illustrations and tables
  • NEW boxed clinical cases -- featuring examples of diseases that illustrate important physiological principles
  • NEW high-yield end-of-chapter board review questions
  • iPod-compatible review - questions and illustrations from each chapter test your comprehension of the material
  • Companion online learning center includes cases, illustrations, and board review questions (

About the Author

Kim E. Barrett, PhD
Department of Medicine
Dean of Graduate Studies
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA
Susan M. Barman, PhD
Department of Pharmacology/Toxicology
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI Scott Boitano, PhD
Associate Professor, Physiology
Arizona Respiratory Center
Bio5 Collaborative Research Institute
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ Heddwen L. Brooks, PhD
Associate Professor
Dept. of Physiology
College of Medicine
University of Arizona
Tuscon, AZDownload
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Clinically Oriented Anatomy Keith L. Moore

Clinically Oriented Anatomy Keith L. Moore

Book Description

1605476528 978-1605476520 February 10, 2009 Sixth, International Edition
Clinically Oriented Anatomy, Sixth Edition, provides first-year medical and allied health students with the clinically oriented anatomical information that they need in study and practice. This best-selling textbook is renowned for its comprehensive coverage of anatomy, presented as it relates to the practice of medicine, dentistry, and physical therapy.
The Sixth Edition features a modified interior design with new and improved artwork that further enhances the user-friendliness of the text. The clinical Blue Boxes—with topical coverage of health, clinical procedures, physical examination, and development—are now grouped to reduce interruption of text and are categorized with icons to promote easier comprehension of clinical information. The Bottom Line summaries have been refined to clearly call out key points for quick study.
A companion Website offers the fully searchable text, interactive USMLE-style questions, and video animations. Online faculty resources include an Image Bank, Test Generator, and Course Outlines.
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Rheumatology, 2-Volume Set: EXPERT CONSULT – 5th Edition (Mosby)

Consistently lauded for its comprehensiveness and full-color color presentation, the latest edition of Rheumatology by Marc C. Hochberg, MD, MPH et al. continues the tradition of excellence of previous editions. Designed to meet the needs of the practicing clinician, it provides extensive, authoritative coverage of rheumatic disease from basic scientific principles to practical points of clinical management in a lucid, logical, user-friendly manner. Access the complete contents online – fully searchable with links to PubMed and CrossRef, outcome measurement tools, classification criteria, self assessment tools, and more.
Find the critical answers you need quickly and easily thanks to a consistent, highly user-friendly format covering all major disorders of the musculoskeletal system in complete, self-contained chapters.
Get trusted perspectives and insights from chapters co-authored by internationally renowned leaders in the field, 25% of whom are new to this edition.
Track disease progression and treat patients more effectively with the most current information, including 22 new chapters on genetic findings, imaging outcomes, and cell and biologic therapies as well as rheumatoid arthritis and SLE.
Incorporate the latest findings about pathogenesis of disease; imaging outcomes for specific diseases like RA, osteoarthritis, and spondyloarthropathies; cell and biologic therapies; and other timely topics.
Search the full text online at with a downloadable image collection, outcome measurement tools, classification criteria, self assessment tools, and more.
Fully revised, the new edition of the celebrated Hochberg is a must-have for every rheumatologist.
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Essential Surgery: Problems, Diagnosis and Management

Essential Surgery is a comprehensive and highly illustrated textbook for clinical students as well as a practical manual for junior doctors and those preparing for postgraduate qualifications in surgery. The unique feature of the book is its problem-orientated nature as distinct to the traditional disease-based structure.
*Explains the pathophysiological basis of surgical diseases and of their management to help bridge the gap between the basic medical sciences and clinical problems.
*Adopts a problem-solving rather than a disease-orientated approach to diagnosis and treatment, reflecting current teaching trends which emphasise the full understanding of how a diagnosis is made and why a particular treatment is used.
*Includes information about epidemiology, disease prevention and the provision of health care, and tries to relate the community aspects of surgical problems to aetiology, disease prevention and primary care.
*Contains outlines of common surgical operations, to enable students and junior doctors to explain operations to patients and to allow them to participate intelligently in the operating department, as well as giving them an understanding of how to prevent complications.
*Includes a major section on accident surgery related to the general surgeon.
*Now with full text online on Student Consult.
*Comprehensively updated in line with the evolution and refinement of surgery over the past few years, by an expanded author team and an advisory group of surgical and radiological experts.
*All line drawings re-presented for greater impact and clarity.
*All radiological images reviewed and updated.
*Includes a new chapter on screening.
*Incorporates all the latest consensus guidelines for managing common disorders.
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MRI: The Basics

Book Description

1608311155 978-1608311156 April 6, 2010 Third
Now in its updated Third Edition, MRI: The Basics is an easy-to-read introduction to the physics behind MR imaging. The subject is presented in a clear, user-friendly, clinically relevant fashion, with large-size, legible equations, state-of-the-art images and instructive diagrams, and questions and answers that are ideal for board review. The American Journal of Radiology praised the previous edition as "an excellent text for introducing the basic concepts to individuals interested in clinical MRI."
This edition spans the gamut from basic physics to multi-use MR options to specific applications, and has dozens of new images. Coverage reflects the latest advances in MRI and includes completely new chapters on k-space, parallel imaging, cardiac MRI, and MR spectroscopy.
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Localization in Clinical Neurology

Book Description

078179952X 978-0781799522 September 12, 2006 Fifth
Now in its Fifth Edition, this classic text provides a systematic approach to the anatomic localization of clinical problems in neurology. It offers clinicians a roadmap for moving from the symptom or observed sign to the place in the central or peripheral nervous system where the problem is. Clear discussions by three well-known authors provide a full understanding of why a symptom or sign can be localized to a particular anatomic area. More than 100 illustrations demonstrate relevant anatomy. This edition has been thoroughly updated and includes new charts to aid in differential diagnosis of various neurologic findings and disorders.
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Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts

Book Description

1451113846 978-1451113846 September 6, 2011 Second
Now in its second edition, this highly accessible monograph lays a foundation for understanding of the underlying concepts of normal cardiovascular function. Students of medicine and related disciplines welcome the book’s concise coverage as a practical partner or alternative to a more mechanistically oriented approach or an encyclopedic physiology text. A focus on well-established cardiovascular principles reflects recent, widely accepted research from the field.
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First Aid Manual: The Authorised Manual of St. John Ambulance, St. Andrew's Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross

Book Description

Dk First Aid April 2011
Fully revised and updated, this 9th edition includes changes to resuscitation techniques. From first-aid essentials to life-saving procedures, it's worth having someone who knows what they are doing to cope with life's little (and big) emergencies. The latest edition of this best-selling manual, published in association with the UK's three leading first-aid providers, St John's Ambulance, St Andrew's First Aid and the British Red Cross, gives you the knowledge you need instantly if someone falls ill or gets hurt. Live-action step-by-step photographs show you how to treat casualties and over 100 medical conditions and injuries, from minor burns to heart attacks. Find information on the latest life-saving procedures and resuscitation guidelines as well as basic first aid techniques, like bandaging and applying dressings. Plus, chapters explain what it's like being a first aider, what to do in an emergency situation and how to look after a casualty. Keep it handy - for home, for work and for leisure.
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EXPERTddx™ : Ultrasound: Published by Amirsys

Book Description

1931884145 978-1931884143 August 24, 2009 1 Har/Psc
Featuring over 1,800 incredible illustrations, this carefully catalogued reference book represents the latest in ultrasound imaging from Amirsys®, the world's leader in medical information systems. Designed specifically for the busy practitioner, EXPERTddx™: Ultrasound guides readers toward on-target differential diagnoses based on key imaging findings and clinical information, making it today's ultrasound reference book of choice.
Each differential is discussed in bulleted text that distills the pertinent information down to the essentials, helping practicing radiologists make informed decisions quickly. In addition, each differential provides at least eight beautiful images, all of which are annotated with succinct captions that highlight key imaging findings. This unique reference book will surely become the go-to resource in ultrasound imaging.
An online eBook companion offers fully searchable text and hundreds of additional images.
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Surgery and Anesthesia Videos

Hemorrhoidopexy 96.77 MB
Appendisectomy 93.64 MB
Right hemithyroidectomy 79.44 MB
Circumcision 60.52 MB
Explorative laprotomy 55.61 MB
Abscess drainage 54.27 MB
Resection anastomosis 53.77 MB
Orotracheal intubation 51.64 MB
Abdominal paracentesis 51.53 MB
Fistula in ano 50.40 MB
Nasogastric intubation 47.95 MB
Lumbar puncture 45.82 MB
Clw suturing 43.57 MB
Arthrocentesis 37.55 MB
Intercoastal drainage 37.36 MB
Prostatectomy 36.60 MB
Piles 36.02 MB
Venesection 34.38 MB
Kidney incision 32.44 MB
Meckels diverticulum 26.22 MB
Tracheastomy 25.43 MB
Lipoma 24.02 MB
Fissurectomy 23.87 MB
Urethral dilatation 16.69 MB
Popliteal Block 14.65 MB
Suprapubic cystolithotomy 11.13 MB
Herniotomy 10.43 MB

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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
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Heart and Lung sounds

Heart and lung sounds audio recorded from actual patients
Part 1
Part 2
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The WHO Manual of Diagnostic Imaging

The examination techniques and interpretation of conventional diagnostic X-ray procedures

Download from Here
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Developing Web Pages using Microsoft's Front Page Express

Developing Web Pages using Microsoft's Front Page Express

(PDF & Mobipocket format)By: David Berghouse
Be able to create a basic web site with FrontPage Express, the freeware 'Lite' version of FrontPage.

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Chronic Myeloproliferative DisordersBy Tariq Mughal

Chronic Myeloproliferative DisordersBy Tariq Mughal, John M. Goldman

Publisher: Informa HealthCare
Number Of Pages: 272
Publication Date: 2008-08-27
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0415415985
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780415415989
Binding: Hardcover
Product Description: With the new classification of chronic myeloproliferative disorders, and the rise of interest in molecularly targeted therapies, Informa Healthcare with Dr. Mughal and Dr. Goldman discuss the state-of-the-art advancements and new and existing implications in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of patients.
Filled with innovative information relating to stem-cell transplantations and full color photography, this well-illustrated text will be an essential resource for all practitioners in hematologic oncology.


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Kaplan's Cardiac Anesthesia By Joel A. Kaplan, David L. Reich, Carol L. Lake, St

* * * Publisher:* Saunders
* * * Number Of Pages:* 1300
* * * Publication Date:* 2006-03-17
* * * ISBN-10 / ASIN:* 1416002537
* * * ISBN-13 / EAN:* 9781416002536
* * * Binding:* Hardcover

Product Description:

Dr. Kaplan and a multitude of other eminent specialists have completely updated and revised the 5th Edition of this definitive bible of cardiac anesthesia. They present detailed information on all the latest techniques, and offer the essential guidance readers need when administering anesthesia to cardiac surgery patients as well as cardiac patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery. Inside, readers will find 12 new chapters plus all other chapters extensively updated, three renowned new associate editors-Dr. David L. Reich, Dr. Carol L. Lake, and Dr. Steven N. Konstadt-and detailed discussions of the hottest topics.

* * * Features detailed coverage of cardiovascular and coronary physiology, and the latest advances in molecular biology and inflammatory response mechanisms.
* * * Offers the latest "know-how" on perioperative assessment and management, including state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques.

* * * Presents fresh perspectives from three new associate editors: Dr. David L. Reich, Dr. Carol L. Lake, and Dr. Steven N. Konstadt.
* * * Includes a new section on past, present, and future of cardiac anesthesia and surgery.
* * * Features 12 new chapters: Ch. 1Evolution of Cardiac Anesthesia and Surgery · Ch. 2 Milestones in Cardiac Surgery · Ch. 3 The Future of Cardiology · Ch. 4 The Future of Cardiac Surgery and Anesthesia · Ch. 16 Decision-Making and Perioperative Transesophageal Echocardiography · Ch. 21 Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery · Ch. 23 Thoracic Aortic Arch ·Ch. 30 Organ Protection During Cardiopulmonary Bypass · Ch. 32 Postoperative Cardiac Recovery and Outcomes · Ch. Ch. 37 Pain Management for the Postoperative Cardiac Patient · Ch. 40 Reducing Errors in Cardiac Anesthesiology · Ch. 41 Cardiac Anesthesia: Training, Qualifications, Teaching, and Learning.
* * * Provides new information on targeted gene therapy · pharmacology of anesthetic and cardiac drugs · transesophageal echocardiography · minimally invasive/robotic cardiac surgery · cardiac assist devices and artificial hearts · and many more cutting-edge topics


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صحیح بخاری شریف آٹھویں جلد

sahi bukhari book 8


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