Blogger news

Comprehensive Clinical Hepatology

Authoritative and highly illustrated in full color, this comprehensive resource is the result of a joint effort of four experienced senior clinicians and educators. It focuses on the medical aspects of transplantation, offers an oasis of knowledge on key topics for clinical practice and examination, and discusses the newest developments in the field, including NASH and chronic viral hepatitis.
Covers all aspects of medical transplantation.
Features expert guidance and clinical coverage in one convenient volume.
Uses full-color art work, clinical photographs, and time-saving tables for easy retrieval of information.
Emphasizes key topics for clinical practice and certifying examinations.
Incorporates the most recent advances in Hepatology, including NASH and chronic viral hepatitis.

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ABC of Palliative Care (ABC Series)

Product Details

  • Paperback: 96 pages
  • Publisher: BMJ Books; 2 edition (October 16, 2006)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1405130792
  • ISBN-13: 978-1405130790
  • Product Dimensions: 11.4 x 8.4 x 0.2 inches

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Macleod’s Clinical Examination Video 12th Edition

The 12th Edition of this famous medical textbook, which was ‘Highly Commended’ in the 2006 British Medical Association Medical Book Competition, builds on the extensively rewritten previous edition. Over 500 clinical photographs and diagrams now illustrate the text, whilst new topics have been added to make the book even more comprehensive. A complementary DVD now accompanies the book, with specially-recorded videos demonstrating many of the clinical examination routines as they are described in the main text. The book is written by a team of editors and contributors who are all active clinicians and experts in their specialist fields, including in general practice where much of clinical teaching is now based. It describes the practical skills which every clinician must acquire and develop in order to evolve diagnostic procedures and management strategies and plans.
Full DVD
Full .rar
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Drug Information Books and articles

Drug Info Books

Question Answer
Drug Facts and Comparisons General Sources
Drug Information Handbook (library & online in Lexicomp) General Sources
Handbook of Clinical Drug Data General Sources
Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs General Sources
Lexicomp General Sources
Micromedex General Sources
Mosby’s Drug Consult General Sources
Physicians’ Desk Reference General Sources
PDR of Opthalmics General Sources
USP DI volume I General Sources
USP Dictionary of USAN and International Drug Names Identification and General Source
Aronson Side Effects of Drugs Annual 29 Adverse effects
Meyler’s Side Effects of Drugs Adverse effects
Davies’ Textbook of Adverse Drug Reactions Adverse effects
Trissel’s Handbook of Injectable Drugs Compatibility and Stability
King Guide to Parenteral Admixtures (online in Lexicomp) Compatibility and Stability
Micromedex C&S Compatibility and Stability
Pediatric Injectable Drugs: The Teddy Bear Book Compatibility and Stability
Trissel’s Stability of Compounded Formulations Compatibility and Stability
Trissel’s 2 Clinical Pharmaceutics Database Compatibility and Stability
Merck Index Compounding
Remington: the Science & Practice of Pharmacy Compounding
A Practical Guide to Contemporary Pharmacy Practice Compounding
USP DI Volume III Compounding
USP NF: US Pharmacopeia & National Formulary
Handbook of Pharmacuetical Excipients Compounding
Allen’s Compounded Formulations Compounding
Extemporaneous Formulations (ASHP) Compounding
Lexicomp Price Cost
Mosby’s Drug Consult Cost Cost
Red Book: Pharmacy’s Fundamental Reference Cost
PDR for Herbal and Dietary Supplements Dietary Supplements
AltMedDex (online in Micromedex) Dietary Supplements
Natural Products (in Lexicomp) Dietary Supplements
Natural Medicine Comprehensive Database Dietary Supplements
Mosby’s Drug Consult Dietary Supplements
Review of Natural Products (Facts & Comparisons) Dietary Supplements
The Complete German Commission E-Monographs Dietary Supplements
Professional’s Handbook of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Dietary Supplements
General Sources Dosage Recommendations
Drug Prescribing in Renal Failure: Dosing Guideline for Adults and Children (Bennett’s) Dosage Recommendations
Index Nominum: International Drug Directory (library & online in Micromedex) Foreign Drug Indentifcation
Martidales: The Complete Drug Reference Foreign Drug Indentifcation
Poisondex (online in Micromedex) Foreign Drug Indentifcation
Lexicomp (Drug ID) Foreign Drug Indentifcation
USP Dictionary of USAN & International Drug Names Foreign Drug Indentifcation
European Drug Index Foreign Drug Indentifcation
General Sources Drug Interactions
Drug Interaction Facts Drug Interactions
Hansten and Horn’s Drug Interaction Analysis and Management Drug Interactions
Evaluations of Drug Interactions Drug Interactions
Drug Therapy Monitoring System Drug Interactions
Stockley’s Drug Interactions Drug Interactions
Orange Book Generic (Therapeutic ) equivalency
Ident-a-Drug Reference Identifications
Lexi-comp Iden Identifications
Identidex (online in Micromedex) Identifications
Trissel’s Handbook of Injectable Drugs Incompatibility and Stability
King Guide to Parenteral Admixtures (online in Lexi-comp) Incompatibility and Stability
Micromedex I&S Incompatibility and Stability
Trissel’s Stability of Compounded Formulatio Incompatibility and Stability ns
Trissel’s 2 Clinical Pharmaceutics Database Incompatibility and Stability
American Drug Index Investigational Drugs
Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference Investigational Drugs
USP Dictionary of USAN & International Drug Names Investigational Drugs
The Pink Sheet Investigational Drugs
Basic Skills in Interpreting Lab Data (ASHP) Lab data
Micromedex Lab Lab data
Mosby’s Manual of Diagnostic Lab Tests Lab data
Henry’s Clinical Diagnosis & Management Lab data
Drug Facts & Comparisons Nonprescription Drugs
Micromedex Non Rx Drugs Nonprescription Drugs
USPDI Volume I Nonprescription Drugs
Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs Nonprescription Drugs
PDR for Nonprescription Drugs, Dietary Supplements, and Herbs Nonprescription Drugs
American Drug Index Nonprescription Drugs
General resources Patient Counseling
PALS: Patient Advisory Leaflet System (online in Lexicomp) Patient Counseling
USP DI Volume II Patient Counseling
Detailed Drug Information for the Consumer (Stat Ref) Patient Counseling
ASHP Med Teaching Manual Patient Counseling
Harriet Lane Handbook Pediatric Dosage Recommendations
Teddy Bear Book – Pediatric Injectable Drugs Pediatric Dosage Recommendations
Neofax Pediatric Dosage Recommendations
Lexicomp Pediatrics Pediatric Dosage Recommendations
Applied Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (Shargel) Pharmacokinetics
Clark’s Analysis of Drugs & Poisons Pharmacokinetics
Basic Clinical Pharmacokinetics (Winters) Pharmacokinetics
Applied Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Principles of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Pharmacokinetics
Clinical Pharmacokinetics: Concepts and Application Pharmacokinetics
Goodman & Gilman’s: the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics Pharmacology
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology (Lange) Pharmacology
Principles of Pharmacology (Lippincott) Pharmacology
Pharmacy Practice and the Law (Abood) Pharmacy Law
Pharmacy Law Digest Pharmacy Law
Guide to Federal Pharmacy Law (apothecary press) Pharmacy Law
Brigg’s Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation Teratogenicity
Shepards Teratogenic agents (library & micromedex) Teratogenicity
Reprorisk (online in Micromedex) Teratogenicity
Teris (online in Micromedex) Teratogenicity
Mosby’s Drug Consult Lactation Teratogenicity
Medications and Mother’s Milk: A manual of lactational pharmacology Teratogenicity
Applied Therapuetics: The clinical use of drugs (Koda-Kimble) Therapeutics (Drug of Choice)
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (Dipiro’s) Therapeutics (Drug of Choice)
Textbook of Therapeutics: Drug and Disease Management (Herfindal’s) Therapeutics (Drug of Choice)
Cecil Textbook of Medicine Therapeutics (Drug of Choice)
Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine Therapeutics (Drug of Choice)
Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy Therapeutics (Drug of Choice)
Washington Manual of Therapeutics Therapeutics (Drug of Choice)
UpToDate (online) Therapeutics (Drug of Choice)
Cassarett & Doull’s Toxicology Toxicology
Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergencies Toxicology
Poisondex (online in Micromedex) Toxicology
Clarke’s Analysis of Drugs & Poisons Toxicology
Dart’s Medical Toxicology Toxicology
Ellenhorn’s Medical Toxicology Toxicology
Compendium of Veterinary Products Veterinary Medicine
The 5-minute veterinary consult: canine and feline Veterinary Medicine
Textbook of veterinary internal medicine: diseases of the dog and cat Veterinary Medicine
Veterianry Drug Handbook Veterinary Medicine
Drug-Food Interactions Miscellaneous
Text of Pyschopharmacology Miscellaneous
Trease Pharmaconosy Miscellaneous
Symptoms in Pharmacy Miscellaneous
Principles of IV therapy Miscellaneous
Immunofacts: vaccines & immunological drugs Miscellaneous
Drugdex general drug information
Drug Interactions Micromedex Interactions
Identidex drug ID
IV compatibility IV on Micromedex
Poisondex Micromedex Toxicology
Tomes On Micromedex Toxicology
MSDS On Micromedex Toxicology
Information for the Consumer Patient Counseling on Micromedex
Reprorisk Pregnancy & Lactation
Reprotox Preg & Lactation on Micro
Shepard’s Preg & Lactation on Micro
Teris Preg & Lactation on Micro
Physician Drug Reference PDR on Micromedex
AltMedDex alternative medicine
DiseaseDex general and emergency disease treatment information or differential diagnosis
Lab Advisor clinical lab datatbase
Calculators dosing tools, calculators, nomograms
General Drug Information Lexi-Drugs Online
Drug Interactions Lexi-Drugs Online
Drug ID Lexi-Drugs Online
IV Compatibility Lexi-Drugs Online
Pediatric Drugs Online Lexicomp
AHFS Essentials Lexicomp
AHFS DI Lexicomp
Lexi-Drugs International Lexicomp
Geriatric Lexi-Drugs Lexicomp
Natural Products Lexicomp
Pharmacogenomics Online Lexicomp
Infectious Disease Lexicomp
Poisoning & Toxicology Lexicomp
Nuclear, Biological, & Chemical Agent Exposure Lexicomp
Lab Tests & Diagnostic Procedures Lexicomp
Clinicians Guide to Diagnosis Lexicomp
Clinicians Guide to Internal Medicine Lexicomp
Clinicians Guide to Lab Medicine Lexicomp

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IELTS Practice Tests Plus 2 (9781405833127): Judith Wilson

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Action Plan for IELTS Self-study Student's Book Academic Module (9780521615303): Vanessa Jakeman, Clare McDowell

Book Description
Action Plan for IELTS is a short self-study guide for students about to take the IELTS test. The book is organised by paper and examines each question type in detail. It gives students a last-minute action plan, providing examples, mini practice tasks and strategies to maximise their band score in the test. Action Plan for IELTS is available for both the Academic and General Training module. The Academic module is suitable for students around Band 6+ and the General Training module for students around Band 5+. A Self-study Pack and Audio CD are also available.
Product Details

  • Paperback: 124 pages
  • Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (April 3, 2006)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0521615305
  • ISBN-13: 978-0521615303
  • Product Dimensions: 10.8 x 8.4 x 0.4 inches
Part 1
Part 2
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Barron's GRE: Graduate Record Examination (9780764179495): Sharon Weiner Green, Ira K. Wolf

Product Description

This 17th edition of Barron’s GRE manual reflects recent Graduate Record Exams and presents six full-length model exams with all questions answered and explained. Tests are similar to recent actual GREs in length, question types, and degree of difficulty. The manual also reviews all GRE test topics: antonym, analogy, and sentence-completion questions, reading comprehension, analytical writing, quantitative comparison questions, data interpretation, and math. The enclosed CD-ROM contains computerized versions of the book’s subject reviews and practice tests.

From the Inside Flap

(back cover)
This up-to-date manual and CD-ROM will prepare test takers for both the current GRE and the new-format exam
Six full-length model tests in the manual plus a computer-adaptive model GRE on the CD-ROM are presented with all questions answered and explained
In-depth subject reviews cover all test topics: antonym questions, analogy questions, and sentence-completion questions, reading comprehension, vocabulary, analytical writing, quantitative comparison questions, data interpretation questions, and math
Extra features include an overview of the GRE with description of the new-format test plus study tips and test-taking advice


Product Details

  • Paperback: 560 pages
  • Publisher: Barron's Educational Series; 17 edition (August 1, 2007)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0764179497
  • ISBN-13: 978-0764179495

No password 7 mb pdf scanned book plus CD
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Manhattan GMAT Prep, "Fractions, Decimals, and Percents GMAT Preparation Guide"

MG Prep, Inc. (May 2007) | ISBN: 0979017513 | 81 pages | PDF | 6,2 Mb

The Fractions, Decimals, and Percents guide (1 of the 8 books in Manhattan GMAT's Preparation Guide series) provides a highly organized and structured approach to the variety of questions in this quantitative content area. Students are presented with ways to manipulate part-whole relationships and practice implementing strategic time-efficient shortcuts.

The book offers a unique balance between two competing emphases: test-taking strategies and in-depth content understanding. Practice problem sets build specific foundational skills in each topic and include the most advanced content that many other prep books ignore. As the average GMAT score required to gain admission to top b-schools continues to rise, this guide provides test takers with the depth and volume of advanced material essential for succeeding on the GMAT's computer adaptive format. Book also includes online access to 6 full-length Simulated Practice GMAT Exams at Manhattan GMAT's website.
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Kaplan GRE Premier Program 2009 Edition

Kaplan GRE Premier Program 2009 Edition
CD-Rom, BIN/CUE file

The Education Testing Service continues to make gradual changes to the content of the GRE. But with this unique multi-format preparation program, students will receive the most accurate, timely details on the GRE test change. With features such as updates and useful resources on test changes posted directly to your online syllabus, test takers can depend on Kaplan for the most complete and up-to-the-minute information.

This customized study program includes:

-- The latest information on the November 2007 updates, including samples of the two new question types with detailed answer explanations.

-- Up-to-the-minute GRE updates online

-- 5 full-length practice tests (1 in the book, 1 online, and 3 on CD-ROM)

-- Hundreds of additional practice questions

-- Detailed answer explanations

-- Interactive online study plan and progress report that adapts to your goals and schedule

-- Diagnostic test to target areas for score improvement

-- Kaplan-exclusive score-raising strategies

-- Essential tactics for the computer-adaptive test (CAT) formatDownload
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TOEFL iBT: The Official ETS Study Guide (McGraw-Hill's TOEFL iBT) (9780071462976): Educational Testing Service

Product Description

Get the only guide to the new TOEFL iBT that comes straight from the test-makers!
If you’re looking for the best, most trustworthy guide to the new TOEFL® iBT, you’ve found it! The Official Guide to the New TOEFL iBT is the one and only TOEFL guide specially created by ETS--the people who actually make the test. That's means it's your most reliable source for everything you need to know about new test. Only ETS can show you exactly what to expect on the new internet-based TOEFL test, tell you precisely how the test is scored--and give you hundreds of authentic test questions to study for practice! That's why this guide is your best choice for preparing for the new TOEFL test. It's packed with everything you need to succeed on the test--and help you get into the college or university of your choice!
No other TOEFL guide gives you:
  • Everything you need to know about the new TOEFL® iBT, straight from the test-makers!
  • Hundreds of authentic TOEFL iBT questions and essay topics - so you can study with the real thing
  • Companion audio CD with authentic TOEFL listening passages and sample responses to Speaking questions
  • In-depth descriptions of the multiple-choice Listening and Reading questions--with valuable tips for answering them
  • Detailed information about the Speaking and Writing sections, with scoring information, real student responses - and actual raters' comments
  • PLUS: Writer's Handbook for English Language Learners--to help you learn how to write essays in English

From the Author

For additional, authentic TOEFL practice, check out TOEFL Practice Online. As the companion to The Official Guide to the New TOEFL iBT, TOEFL Practice Online [] offers authentic TOEFL iBT test prep created by the test creators themselves! TOEFL Practice Online is the ONLY Web site with previously administered TOEFL iBT test questions and exclusive scoring from ETS that helps predict performance on test day!
• Gives INSTANT scores and feedback for Reading, Listening, and Writing sections, and Speaking scores by certified ETS raters within 5 days (automated speech scoring anticipated September ’06) • Offers a variety of practice tests so you can monitor progress

Product Details

  • Paperback: 373 pages
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 1 edition (November 21, 2005)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 007146297X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0071462976
eBook: 52.8MB

password: thianhhiep
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PG entrance solved question papers for All India

PG entrance solved question papers for All India, AIIMS, All India Pre PG, JIPMER, PGI, SGPGI, PGI CHANDIGARH, NIMHANS, MANIPAL,
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Book Description

0470570954 978-0470570951 December 14, 2010 4
The "Gold Standard" in Biochemistry text books, Biochemistry 4e, is a modern classic that has been thoroughly revised. Don and Judy Voet explain biochemical concepts while offering a unified presentation of life and its variation through evolution. Incorporates both classical and current research to illustrate the historical source of much of our biochemical knowledge.
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Triple A 3rd Edition (Medicine, Ophthalmology, Surgery) by Amit, Ashish, Arvind Volume 2

Triple A 3rd Edition (Medicine, Ophthalmology, Surgery) by Amit, Ashish, Arvind Volume 2...

This PDF has been made by scanning and then editing the Book 'Review of Post Graduate Examinations' by Amit, Ashish, Arvind 3rd edition Volume 2 (Medicine, Ophthalmology, Surgery) using a OCR software (ABBY Fine Reader 9.0), there may be some optical recognition errors ...otherwise this pdf is error free..
hope it is useful for u..
Download here:
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Doctors in Training 2010 Step 2 CK Videos

Day 1
Lecture 1: Neurology 1 Size: 178.71 MB
Lecture 2: Neurology 2 Size: 188.59 MB
Lecture 3: Psychiatry 1 Size: 164.05 MB

Day 2
Lecture 1: Neurology 3 Size: 199.83 MB
Lecture 2: Neurology 4 Size: 126.79 MB
Lecture 3: Psychiatry 2 Size: 168.33 MB

Day 3
Lecture 1: Endocrine 1 Size: 193.4 MB
Lecture 2: Endocrine 2 Size: 166.03 MB
Lecture 3: Emergency Medicine Size: 198.35 MB

Day 4
Lecture 1: Cardiovascular 1 Size: 185.42 MB
Lecture 2: Cardiovascular 2 Size: 159.21 MB
Lecture 3: Trauma Size: 98.42 MB

Day 5
Lecture 1:Cardiovascular 3 Size: 142.19 MB
Lecture 2: Cardiovascular 4 Size: 113.68 MB
Lecture 3: ICU and Surgery Size: 123.95 MB

Day 6
Lecture 1: Pulmonary 1 Size: 141.26 MB
Lecture 2: Pulmonary 2 Size: 97.94 MB
Lecture 3: Pulmonary 3 Size: 124.03 MB

Day 7
Lecture 1: Gastrointestinal 1 Size: 108.7 MB
Lecture 2: Gastrointestinal 2 Size: 83.72 MB
Lecture 3: Epidemiology Size: 104.93 MB

Day 8
Lecture 1: Gastrointestinal 3 Size: 131.17 MB
Lecture 2: Gastrointestinal 4 Size: 119.63 MB
Lecture 3: Gastrointestinal 5 Size: 127.91 MB

Day 9
Lecture 1: Genitourinary 1 Size: 148.48 MB
Lecture 2: Genitourinary 2 Size: 155.82 MB
Lecture 3: Genitourinary 3 Size: 104.22 MB

Day 10
Lecture 1: Heme-Onco 1 Size: 129.32 MB
Lecture 2: Heme-Onco 2 Size: 118.1 MB
Lecture 3: Heme-Onco 3 Size: 103.56 MB

Day 11
Lecture 1: Musculoskeletal 1 Size: 121.73 MB
Lecture 2: Musculoskeletal 2 Size: 96.44 MB
Lecture 3: Musculoskeletal 3 Size: 117.97 MB

Day 12
Lecture 1: Dermatology 1 Size: 122.88 MB
Lecture 2: Dermatology 2 Size: 73.03 MB
Lecture 3: Dermatology 3 Size: 85.72 MB

Day 13
Lecture 1: Gynecology 1 Size: 137.91 MB
Lecture 2: Gynecology 2 Size: 127.4 MB
Lecture 3: Gynecology 3 Size: 111.78 MB

Day 14
Lecture 1: Obstetrics 1 Size: 158.23 MB
Lecture 2: Obstetrics 2 Size: 118.45 MB
Lecture 3: Obstetrics 3 Size: 110.93 MB

Day 15
Lecture 1: Obstetrics 4 Size: 108.91 MB
Lecture 2: Pediatrics 1 Size: 124.71 MB
Lecture 3: Pediatrics 2 Size: 98.48 MB
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First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CS (Clinical Skills Exam) By Vikas Bhushan, Tao Le, L. David Martin, Fadi Abu Shahin, Mae Sheikh-Ali

  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical
  • Number Of Pages: 208
  • Publication Date: 2004-06-24
  • ISBN-10 / ASIN: 007142184X
  • ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780071421843

Product Description:

Your CS survival guide from the authors of First Aid for the USMLE Step 1! This preparation guide for the USMLE Step 2 CS (Clinical Skills Exam) includes the most frequently tested patient cases, discussions of each case, as well as test-taking strategies and must-know facts. The Step 2 CS is mandatory for all U.S. and Canadian medical school graduates beginning with the class of 2005 and is also mandatory for all international medical graduates seeking U.S. medical certification.

First Aid Step 2 CS, 1st Edition, 2004
1 MB
No password
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USMLE book Review

Rapid Review Pathology (Rapid Review) CD Rom

* Publisher: Mosby
* Number Of Pages: 384
* Publication Date: 2004-05-01
* Sales Rank: 61334
* ISBN / ASIN: 0323023932
* EAN: 9780323023931
* Binding: Paperback
* Manufacturer: Mosby
* Studio: Mosby
* Average Rating: 5
* Total Reviews: 17

Book Description:

This offers a comprehensive yet concise review of pathology while discussing all of the relevant clinical information. The review chapters in the first section of the are in a user-friendly outline format with high-yield information located in margin notes and clinical topics discussed within the outline and in clinical boxes. The second section of the book contains two 50-questions exams in USMLE format. A CD-ROM that accompanies the book contains a full-color art program, 500 board-style questions and answers with rationales for correct answers as well as all incorrect choices, and a quizzing function that gives scores at the end of the exams.
Date: 2006-09-06 Rating: 5


very well written,too many integrations,especially with biochemistry.Excellent for review for the

Date: 2006-08-30 Rating: 5

Goljan Path

This is the single most useful and board relevant book on the market. I had the pleasure of using this in accompaniment with Dr. Goljan's audio lectures from a review course. The two resources, audio and , proved to be invaluable in both building my confidence and ability to disect the USMLE Step I exam. Additionally, the images used in the and referenced in the audio lectures were in fact the very same pictures I saw on my test. I must clarify, however, the audio lectures are not sold with the . They can, however, be found on the web for those who are really interested.

The organizes and describes in a few sentences salient points that seem to be wholly absent from the much larger and more daunting Robbins. Furthermore, the comes equiped with a rapid review CD-ROM full of about 300 questions. They are excellent questions with explanations that are more thorough and thought provoking than Kaplan's Qbank. I felt as though this was better than the BRS-Pathology though some may disagree. In my own opinion, Goljan is more concise and emphasizes the board relavent material more so than BRS. Although it is not and should not be used as a stand alone , in conjunction with Robbins, First Aid, and Kaplan Qbank, you should feel very well prepared to tackle the pathology, pathophysiology, and even microbio-pathology questions.
-Phillip Parry
Tulane Medical School
Class of 2008

Date: 2006-08-25 Rating: 5

The best review book

This book brings you the exact clues you need to recognize any pathology. It's excellent...Goljan will save my future.

Date: 2006-05-08 Rating: 5

May be a dense read, BUT has the most high-yield info of any path review book

This book is the best review book for pathology. For over 25 years, Dr. Goljan has accumlated "insight" from students after taking their step 1. He knows what the boards people want medical students to know and everything that could be asked on step 1 is in this book...and as pathology accounts for the majority of the test, mastering all the facts in this book will definitely help you score high.
Rapid Review Pathology reads like First Aid and is loaded with high-yield facts, BUT like First Aid it is sometimes hard to read. It is written in outline format and is more like a list of facts (like all books in the Rapid Review series). In comparison, the BRS series books are also in outline format, but the bulleted points are in complete setences making for an easier read. Therefore, students with a weaker background in pathology will have a more difficult time getting through this book than BRS.
That being said, if there were to read any book in addition to First Aid, this would be the book. It is very clinically based, it integrates info from many other subject areas, has many high-yield illustrations, and has very good clinical vignettes. The book also has wide margins where you can take notes into, which is what I'd suggest. This way you can sort of "complete" the sentences and customize the book to you're own study/reading style (this is, by the way, how you should use your First Aid).
I read many reviewers talking about the Goljan audio, but I have a feeling many readers may not know what that is. It's audio files taken from one of Dr. Goljan's lecture series. It follows his Rapid Review book 90% of the time and is great in understanding many of the facts he has listed in the book. You can find the audio from online med student forums, however they maybe any case, if you can get your hands on them and listen to them using this rapid review book as "lecture notes" you'd definitely do well on the step. He has a way of explaining pathology (and all clinical medicine) like no other.
So again, if you memorize and "understand" EVERY point in this book, and every point in First Aid, you will do well on step 1.

Date: 2006-03-23 Rating: 5

Good Board Review Material

This book, esp if used in conjunction with Dr. Goljan's lecture series, is excellent high-yield info for the pathology section of Step 1. I wouldn't advise letting it be your only source for path review, however, but it ties a lot of things together that other path review books (e.g. BRS, Kaplan, Robbins) do not. It also has some nice pics.

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1. Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for grant of Short Service Commission in Army Dental Corps.

2. ELIGIBILITY (a) Candidates must be BDS (with minimum 55% marks in final year)/MDS* from a College recognised by Dental Council of India. (b) Should have completed one year rotatory Internship from a college recognized by Dental Council of India upto 30 Nov 2008. (c) Should be in possession of Permanent Dental Registration Certificate valid upto at least 31 Dec 2008 at the time of interview. (d) Less than 45 years of age as on 31 Dec 2008. (e) Should be medically fit in all respects for service in the Armed Forces. *All nine specialties are recognized in the Armed Forces.

3. SELECTION PROCEDURE (a) Candidates found eligible will be shortlisted based on their Final BDS marks and attempts taken in Final BDS. Short-listed candidates will be required to appear before the Selection Board for interview only. However, all the eligible candidates in possession of MDS degrees recognized by DCI will be called for interview. There will be no shortlisting in their case. (b) Medical examination: All the candidates who are provisionally placed on the merit list will be brought before a Medical Board for medical fitness.

4. EMOLUMENTS The candidates on commissioning in Army Dental Corps will be granted the rank of Capt in the scale of Rs.9450-9600-300-11400 plus rank pay of Rs.400/-. Non-Practicing Allowance at the rate of 25% of the Basic Pay and Dearness Allowance (total emolument at the minimum of Pay Scale is approx.Rs.25,000/-). In addition, entitled free ration, subsidized accommodation and allied facilities shall be provided. Being in possession of MDS degree, they will be eligible for PG allowance of Rs.500/- p.m. or specialist pay after undergoing the laid down procedure. In addition, officers are entitled to 60 days annual leave & 20 days casual leave in an year, Leave Travel Concession, free Medical facilities for self and family including dependent parents, Group Insurance of Rs.10 lakhs & unit Canteen facility etc as per the existing rules. Revised pay and emoluments will be as per the recommendations of VIth Pay Commission as accepted by Govt of India. 5. PROMOTION (a) Short Service Commissioned Officers: Promotion of Short Service Commissioned Officers is as under:- (i) Capt - On entry (ii) Major - 4 ½ years reckonable commissioned service. (iii) Lt Col – 11 ½ years reckonable commissioned service. (b) Permanent Commissioned officers: Promotion for Permanent Commissioned Officers is as under:- (i) Capt - On entry (ii) Major - 4 ½ years reckonable commissioned service. (iii) Lt Col - 11 ½ years reckonable commissioned service. (iv) Col - 24 ½ years reckonable commissioned service and by selection. (v) Brig - By selection. (vi) Maj Gen - By selection. (vii) Lt Gen - By selection. Note - Candidates who hold three years MDS degree will be eligible for three years antedate seniority. They will be promoted to the rank of Major on completion of 1½ years service whereas candidates with BDS degree will be promoted after 4 ½ years. 6. TENURE The tenure is of 5 years extendable by another 9 years in two spells first of 5 years and second of 4 years (total SSC tenure 14 years) for those who are willing to continue subject to laid down eligibility criteria. However, on completion of 2 years service as SSC officers, they are eligible to apply for limited vacancies available for Departmental Permanent Commission provided they had not attained the age of 28 years for BDS and 30 years for MDS on 31 Dec of the year of application after giving full weightage of SSC service rendered. Full weightage of SSC service rendered will be given if granted PC. 7.

ENTITLEMENT OF CANDIDATES (a) Candidates appearing for the first time : (i) “To and fro” sleeper class railway fare by Mail/Express train or actual cost of bus fare if the mode of travel is by bus. (ii) DA at prescribed rates for the days of halt at Delhi. (b) Candidates appearing for the second or subsequent time are not eligible for the above entitlement. 8. WHOM TO APPLY : Candidates should apply to the Director General Armed Forces Medical Services (DGAFMS/DENTAL), Room No.9, ‘L’ Block, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi – 110001, on a plain paper giving particulars in the application form as given below so as to reach by 20 October 2008. 9. This Directorate General reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason. 10. The application form can also be downloaded from website “”


1. Name in full : (As per Matriculation Certificate) Name in Hindi : ___________________ 2. Nationality : ___________________ 3. Date of birth : 4. Age as on 31 Dec 2008. :_____years_____months _____days 5. (a) Father’s name : ______ (b) Details of spouse (i) Name________________________ (ii) Nationality____________________ 6. (a) Postal address with pin code. : ______ __________________________ (b) Tele No. with STD Code : __________________________ 7. Permanent address with pin code : ______ __________________________ 8. Name of College : BDS: _ from which BDS & MDS passed MDS: _ 9. (a) Date of passing BDS : _ (b) No. of attempts taken to pass final BDS :___________________________ (c) Marks obtained in final year BDS and percentage thereof _____________________ 10. Date of passing MDS with name of speciality : ___________________________ 11. (a) Is the college from which you passed BDS recognized by DCI? : ___________________________ Enclose authority thereof (b) Is the college from which you acquired MDS degree recognized by DCI? Enclose authority thereof : ___________________________ 12. Date of completion of Internship. : __ 13. Permanent Dental Registration : __ Number, Issuing Office and valid upto. ___________________________ 14. Particulars of present employment : __ Affix Attested Photo 15. Have you appeared earlier for commission in Army Dental Corps? If yes, give details: __________________________ 16. Have you applied for Commission in Army Dental Corps in response to our advertisement in Employment News (19-25 Apr 2008) ____________________________ If yes, give Registration No. as intimated __________________________ by this office I hereby declare that all the statements made in the application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. At any stage if information furnished by me is found to be false or incorrect, I will be liable to disciplinary action or termination of service as deemed fit. _____________________ Date : Signature of the Candidate IMPORTANT 1. Attested copies of the following should be enclosed with the application and original should be brought at the time of interview, if called for:- (a) BDS & MDS degrees (b) Matriculation Certificate (showing Date of birth) (c) Dental Registration Certificate duly renewed upto 31 Dec 2008. (d) BDS final & MDS marksheets. (e) Internship completion certificate (f) Copy of authority under which College is recognized by DCI. (g) Two additional identical attested passport size photograph#. (h) ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the employer, if employed or bonded with State/Institutions. (j) Attempt Certificate (k) Any other relevant documents. 2. Enclose one self addressed post card and one self addressed envelope of size 23 Cmsx10 Cms with Rs.6/- postal stamps affixed for reply. *strike out whichever is not applicable. #Candidates are required to use identical passport size recent photographs. (05 photographs will be required for medical examination, if provisionally selected).

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comed k post-graduate dental entrace

Few commonly Asked Questions:

Q.1 > Are Non Karnataka residents eligible for exam?

A.1 > Yes , Comed  k is open to All india students.

Q.2 > I've passed my BDS from outside karnataka , am i eligible?

A.2 > Yes, again. However students who have passed BDS from karnataka will also be eligible for kcet.

Q.3 > How fair is the exam?

A.3 > Examination system is very transparent , so one should expect very less fixing, unlike many other private college exams.

Q.4 > How tough is the exam?

A.4 > COMED K sets high standards. Question bank is very good , but you cannot say the exam is tough, generally they come out with what is called a 'Good Paper' or A Balanced Paper.

Q.5 > No. of Questions in exam?

A.5 > 180 (6 from most subjects, 12 from others , see prospectus)

Q.6 > How much paper is repeated from previous years?

A.6 > Not as much as in AIPG. But yes few Questions are definately repeated.

Q.7 > What is the average cut off?

A.7 > It depends on the paper , but anyone who score 125 and above normally gets a seat.

Q.8 > Which subjects dominate in exam?

A.8 > All subjects are equally covered. There is a complete distribution of subjects , refer prospectus.Fact based Question are important. There is no negative marking.






24th  January,2011 COMED K SIMULATED MOCK TEST 10
25th  January,2011 COMED K SIMULATED MOCK TEST 11
26th  January,2011 COMED K SIMULATED MOCK TEST 12
27th  January,2011 COMED K SIMULATED MOCK TEST 13
28th  January,2011 COMED K SIMULATED MOCK TEST 14
29th January,2011 COMED K SIMULATED MOCK TEST 15
6th February,2011 All the Best !!

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Delmar's Dental Drug Reference Guide by Elena B. Haveles

Book Description

0766801152 978-0766801158 January 15, 2000 1
This valuable drug reference provides detailed information on 300 of the most commonly prescribed drugs. It also includes drugs that are prescribed or used in a dental practice. It features a separate drug classifications section that gives an overview of each class of medication as well as a listing of individual drugs and how they differ from the classification section. The reference also includes a section of the FDA categories of pregnancy, and a section on antibiotic prophylaxis for bacterial endocarditis. This comprehensive reference guide is an invaluable tool for all dental professionals.
Book Description
0766801152 978-0766801158 January 15, 2000 1
This valuable drug reference provides detailed information on 300 of the most commonly prescribed drugs. It also includes drugs that are prescribed or used in a dental practice. It features a separate drug classifications section that gives an overview of each class of medication as well as a listing of individual drugs and how they differ from the classification section. The reference also includes a section of the FDA categories of pregnancy, and a section on antibiotic prophylaxis for bacterial endocarditis. This comprehensive reference guide is an invaluable tool for all dental professionals.
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