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USMLE book Review

Rapid Review Pathology (Rapid Review) CD Rom

* Publisher: Mosby
* Number Of Pages: 384
* Publication Date: 2004-05-01
* Sales Rank: 61334
* ISBN / ASIN: 0323023932
* EAN: 9780323023931
* Binding: Paperback
* Manufacturer: Mosby
* Studio: Mosby
* Average Rating: 5
* Total Reviews: 17

Book Description:

This offers a comprehensive yet concise review of pathology while discussing all of the relevant clinical information. The review chapters in the first section of the are in a user-friendly outline format with high-yield information located in margin notes and clinical topics discussed within the outline and in clinical boxes. The second section of the book contains two 50-questions exams in USMLE format. A CD-ROM that accompanies the book contains a full-color art program, 500 board-style questions and answers with rationales for correct answers as well as all incorrect choices, and a quizzing function that gives scores at the end of the exams.
Date: 2006-09-06 Rating: 5


very well written,too many integrations,especially with biochemistry.Excellent for review for the

Date: 2006-08-30 Rating: 5

Goljan Path

This is the single most useful and board relevant book on the market. I had the pleasure of using this in accompaniment with Dr. Goljan's audio lectures from a review course. The two resources, audio and , proved to be invaluable in both building my confidence and ability to disect the USMLE Step I exam. Additionally, the images used in the and referenced in the audio lectures were in fact the very same pictures I saw on my test. I must clarify, however, the audio lectures are not sold with the . They can, however, be found on the web for those who are really interested.

The organizes and describes in a few sentences salient points that seem to be wholly absent from the much larger and more daunting Robbins. Furthermore, the comes equiped with a rapid review CD-ROM full of about 300 questions. They are excellent questions with explanations that are more thorough and thought provoking than Kaplan's Qbank. I felt as though this was better than the BRS-Pathology though some may disagree. In my own opinion, Goljan is more concise and emphasizes the board relavent material more so than BRS. Although it is not and should not be used as a stand alone , in conjunction with Robbins, First Aid, and Kaplan Qbank, you should feel very well prepared to tackle the pathology, pathophysiology, and even microbio-pathology questions.
-Phillip Parry
Tulane Medical School
Class of 2008

Date: 2006-08-25 Rating: 5

The best review book

This book brings you the exact clues you need to recognize any pathology. It's excellent...Goljan will save my future.

Date: 2006-05-08 Rating: 5

May be a dense read, BUT has the most high-yield info of any path review book

This book is the best review book for pathology. For over 25 years, Dr. Goljan has accumlated "insight" from students after taking their step 1. He knows what the boards people want medical students to know and everything that could be asked on step 1 is in this book...and as pathology accounts for the majority of the test, mastering all the facts in this book will definitely help you score high.
Rapid Review Pathology reads like First Aid and is loaded with high-yield facts, BUT like First Aid it is sometimes hard to read. It is written in outline format and is more like a list of facts (like all books in the Rapid Review series). In comparison, the BRS series books are also in outline format, but the bulleted points are in complete setences making for an easier read. Therefore, students with a weaker background in pathology will have a more difficult time getting through this book than BRS.
That being said, if there were to read any book in addition to First Aid, this would be the book. It is very clinically based, it integrates info from many other subject areas, has many high-yield illustrations, and has very good clinical vignettes. The book also has wide margins where you can take notes into, which is what I'd suggest. This way you can sort of "complete" the sentences and customize the book to you're own study/reading style (this is, by the way, how you should use your First Aid).
I read many reviewers talking about the Goljan audio, but I have a feeling many readers may not know what that is. It's audio files taken from one of Dr. Goljan's lecture series. It follows his Rapid Review book 90% of the time and is great in understanding many of the facts he has listed in the book. You can find the audio from online med student forums, however they maybe any case, if you can get your hands on them and listen to them using this rapid review book as "lecture notes" you'd definitely do well on the step. He has a way of explaining pathology (and all clinical medicine) like no other.
So again, if you memorize and "understand" EVERY point in this book, and every point in First Aid, you will do well on step 1.

Date: 2006-03-23 Rating: 5

Good Board Review Material

This book, esp if used in conjunction with Dr. Goljan's lecture series, is excellent high-yield info for the pathology section of Step 1. I wouldn't advise letting it be your only source for path review, however, but it ties a lot of things together that other path review books (e.g. BRS, Kaplan, Robbins) do not. It also has some nice pics.

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